Touching moment deaf Overwatch streamer ranks in the top 500

David Purcell

A deaf Overwatch player couldn’t believe his eyes after it was confirmed that he had smashed his way into the Top 500 rankings. 

The Twitch streamer, who goes by the name of MaxGaming76_OW on the platform, broadcasted what turned out to be a really emotional moment for the player on April 7. 

His clip has since reached over 55,000 views – at the time of writing – and Maxim has received overwhelming support from the game’s online community on Reddit. 

Blizzard EntertainmentDeaf Overwatch player Maxim was playing as Moira just before his achievement was revealed.

The short video, as seen below, is by far the most popular moment ever clipped on his channel. The Ukrainian gamer broke down in shock, after it was revealed that he had been placed 482nd in the world. 

After scrolling through the rankings, he eventually found his gamertag – Maxim76 – and took a moment to process what he had achieved. 

Many users on Reddit pointed out that not being able to hear sounds in Overwatch may put Maxim at a disadvantage, but it hasn’t stopped him – and other players – from succeeding on the team-based multiplayer so far. 

“This is really inspiring to me,” one redditor posted. “If you asked me before I saw this I’d say it is impossible. Good for you dude.” 

“Not only is communication and listening a big part of team play, it also really helps to hear ultimates (voice lines) among other things,” another wrote. “Impressive stuff.” 

Another inspirational story

Maxim is not alone with his inspiring story, though, as a deaf 13-year old girl who streams Fortnite has also been surging in popularity on Twitch. Ewokttv has over 90,000 followers at the time of writing and has achieved tremendous success streaming under the title of ‘Pro Deaf Gamer Girl’. 

Hopefully these success stories will inspire players to strive for their full potential, no matter what challenges they may face. 

About The Author

David is the former US Managing Editor at You can contact him via email: