YouTuber Creates Hilarious Alex Jones Overwatch Voiceover Parody

Joe O'Brien

A YouTuber has created a hilarious video using conspiracy theorist Alex Jones to voice every Overwatch hero.

Alex Jones is a controversial American radio show host known for outlandish conspiracy theories. With a distinctive delivery style and a penchant for ridiculous statements, Alex Jones is a popular target for memes and parodies.

One recent example comes from YouTuber CamDeeGaming, who has produced a video using voice clips from Alex Jones as voiceover lines for all twenty-six Overwatch heroes.

Not only is the video hilarious, it’s also remarkably on point, with the creator having identified audio clips for each hero that perfectly fit with each character.

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Highlights include “Let’s have this knife fight for no reason, this is a really great idea!” for Genji, “I’m a secret agent! I’m a secret agent! I’m a secret agent!” for Tracer, and even some unintelligible beeps for Bastion.