Fastest mounts in Palworld ranked: Ground, Swimming, Flying & Gliding

Ethan Dean

Using the fastest mounts in Palworld is the best way to traverse the various landscapes in the game, whether you’re on the ground, flying through the air, or swimming across the ocean.

Palworld gives players plenty of reasons to fill out their Paldeck, whether it’s tracking down the best Pals for mining or kindling, or searching for the ultimate fighter to add to your team.

Of course, if you’re on the hunt for resources or Eggs you’ll need to get around quickly using a mount. You can find a complete list of every mount in the game below including those added in the Feybreak update.

Fastest flying mounts in Palworld

The fastest flying mount in Palworld is undoubtedly the legendary Jetragon. In fact, Jetragon is the quickly mount in the entire game with more than double the speed of any Pal on land, sea, or in the air.

All of the flying Pals and their speeds can be found below:

Jetragon17003300Lv. 50
Xenolord2700Lv. 60
Faleris Aqua1500Lv. 55
Frostallion/Frostallion Noct10001500Lv. 48
Faleris10001400Lv. 38
Ragnahawk8001300Lv. 37
Shadowbeak8501200Lv. 47
Beakon7501200Lv. 34
Suzaku/Suzaku Aqua8501100Lv. 40 / Lv. 43
Helzephyr7001100Lv. 33
Quivern/Quivern Botan800950Lv. 36 / Lv. 49
Vanwyrm/Vanwyrm Cyst700850Lv. 21 / Lv. 41
Astegon600800Lv. 47
Elphidran/Elphidran Aqua630800Lv. 21
Nitewing600750Lv. 15
Selyne450550Lv. 53

Of the slower, but earlier-accessible options, Nitewing can be found in the starting area and is the earliest flying mount you’ll gain access to in Palworld after crafting its saddle at Technology Level 15.

However, your best bet for flying around in the early game is to snag a Vanwyrm at level 22 for a noticeable boost in speed.

When you’re ready, Faleris can be obtained and you can craft its saddle at Technology Level 38. It will be the fastest flying mount in Palworld until you can capture the godlike Jetragon.

Fastest ground mounts

The fastest land-based mount is the legendary Necromus. Luckily we have a handy guide on where to find and capture Necromus if you’re struggling to get one.

You can find all the ground mounts details in the table below:

Necromus9001600Lv. 49
Paladius8001400Lv. 49
Pyrin/Pyrin Noct8501300Lv. 30 / Lv. 33
Azurmane1260Lv. 56
Gildane1260Lv. 54
Celesdir1200Lv. 1200
Starryon1200Lv. 57
Dazemu9001200Lv. 22
Xenogard7901200Lv. 51
Rayhound7001150Lv. 26
Univolt7201100Lv. 14
Direhowl8801050Lv. 9
Fenglope7501050Lv. 26
Bastigor900Lv. 59
Blazehowl/Blazehowl Noct750900Lv. 32 / Lv. 35
Kitsun700900Lv. 30
Blazamut/Blazamut Ryu700900Lv. 38 / Lv. 55
Eikthyrdeer/Eikthyrdeer Terra700900Lv. 12 / Lv. 25
Relaxaurus / Relaxaurus Lux650800Lv. 44 / Lv. 46
Maraith600800Lv. 23
Arsox600800Lv. 16
Chillet/Chillet Ignis600800Lv. 13 / Lv. 45
Grintale600800Lv. 13
Melpaca460800Lv. 7
Silvegis750Lv. 58
Tarantriss750Lv. 28
Reindrix550700Lv. 29
Dinossom/Dinossom Lux550700Lv. 19 / Lv. 29
Jormuntide Ignis525700Lv. 43
Mossanda/Mossanda Lux500700Lv. 24 / Lv. 25
Kingpaca/Kingpaca Cryst500700Lv. 22 / Lv. 42
Rushoar450700Lv. 6
Shroomer/Shroomer Noct400700Lv. 46 / Lv. 47
Surfent Terra500650Lv. 24
Mammorest/Mammorest Cryst430600Lv. 28 / Lv. 45
Grizzbolt470550Lv. 40
Reptyro/Reptyro Cryst390550Lv. 31 / Lv. 37
Wumpo/Wumpo Botan365550Lv. 44 / Lv. 45
Yakumo370520Lv. 43
Broncherry/Broncherry Aqua350500Lv. 20 / Lv. 27
Sweepa300500Lv. 14

Necromus is not only the fastest ground mount but also allows the player to triple jump making traversal a sinch. This Pal is, however, gated behind an endgame Boss fight that requires you to take on two Legendary Pals at once.

You’ll need the best gear and combat team you can muster to capture it, and you’ll also have to reach Technology Level 49 before you can mount it.

Necromus Palworld
Necromus is the fastest ground mount in Palworld.

For players still waiting to gallop around before they’re ready to take on Necromus and Paladius, Direhowl is the swiftest land-based mount you’ll have access to in the earlier hours of the game.

The advantage of using Eikthyrdeer lies in its swift movement, enhanced by a charge ability for rapid ground coverage. These creatures are also more accessible than Direwolves, making leveling up smoother.

Univolt’s unlocks shortly after at Technology Level 14 and it will be the fastest ground mount before you can face Pyrin and finally Necromus.

Of the ground mounts available before a player can face Necromus, Pyrin is definitely the fastest option. Its saddle can’t be unlocked until you reach mid-game, at Technology Level 3 though.

Fastest swimming mounts

Azurobe is far and away the fastest swimming mount you can get. We’ve also got an easy-to-follow guide on where you can find and capture Azurobe.

A full rundown of all the swimming mounts in the game can be found in the table below:

Azurobe600800Lv. 24
Jormuntide525700Lv. 39
Surfent500650Lv. 10

You won’t have to wait as long to get Azurobe as its saddle can be crafted at Technology Level 24. It’s only found in water though so you’ll need another swimming or flying Pal to track it down.

Azurobe Water-type Pal in PalworldAzurobe is Palworld’s swiftest swimmer.

There aren’t many options for an earlier swimming mount before you get Azurobe. Surfent is the slower of the two but its saddle unlocks earlier at Technology Level 10.

Jormuntide’s speed is faster than Surfent, but its saddle’s not available until Technology Level 39. However, it could be worth the wait if you’re interested in its dual Water/Dragon element.

Fastest gliding mounts in Palworld

When it comes to gliding, no mount can compare with Galeclaw. And, while it might seem useless to get a mount that can only glide when you could use a flying Pal instead it’s still good to have the option.

Here are all the gliding mounts you can find in the game:

Galeclaw600700Lv. 23
Celaray550700Lv. 7
Killamari400550Lv. 9
Hangyu/Hangyu Cryst400550Lv. 20 / Lv. 31

Galeclaw is available to players very early on and is far more effective than the craftable gliders. The Pal can be found near the Ancient Ritual Site and Hypocrite Hill fast-travel locations.

galeclaw palworld
Galeclaw is the best Pal you can use for gliding.

Best of all, players can fire guns when gliding with Galeclaw. Unfortunately, the biggest downside to this Pal is that his gliding ability is not unlocked until Technology Level 23.

Three other Pals – Celaray, Killamari, and Hangyu – can also be used as gliders, but they have drawbacks that make them less effective transports than Galeclaw.

However, all of them are available quite early in the game, with Celaray’s Gloves being unlocked at Technology Level 7.

How to make mounts faster

Every Pal in Palworld has a random assortment of up to four Passive Abilities and a number of these increase a Pal’s Movement Speed. These are:

  • Nimble – 10% increase in Movement Speed
  • Runner – 20% increase in Movement Speed
  • Swift – 30% increase in Movement Speed
  • Legend – 15% increase in Movement Speed + 20% increase in Attack + 20 % increase in Defense

If you’re willing to capture multiple of the same Pal in succession until you land one with a Movement Speed-oriented Passive Ability, you’ll get around much quicker.

Those are the fastest mounts available in Palworld. For more. on the game, check out a rundown of the breeding systemhow to get Huge Dragon EggsHigh-Quality Pal Oil, and Honey.