How to get more base storage in Palworld

Michelle Cornelia
A screenshot featuring a Wooden Chest storage in Palworld.

At some point, running out of storage might be something you’ll have to deal with in Palworld. Check out how to get more base storage so you won’t have to get rid of your resources.

If you’ve been exploring and collecting Pals in Palworld for a while now, chances are you’ve noticed that carrying a lot of weight has its consequences.

Yes, you can increase your carrying weight, but there’s almost no reason to carry over a hundred rocks or wood if you’re heading to a dungeon or simply exploring new areas.

Some materials, especially important ones, are best left in your base so you can come back to them when you actually need them. So, if you’d like to free your pockets, make sure you know how to get more base storage in Palworld.

How to get more storage in Palworld

A screenshot featuring the Wooden Chest storage option from the Technology tab in Palworld.
You can spend Technology points to unlock the basic storage and other higher-tier ones.

Aside from stacking materials on your inventory slot to save up space, you can get more storage in Palworld by crafting and using chests. Your first chest can be unlocked by spending 1 Technology Point as soon as you reach level two. To craft it, you’ll need to gather 15 Wood and 5 Stone.

Your storage isn’t just limited to the base chest, though. As you progress in your journey and level up your character, more chest recipes will become available. The higher the level they are, the more inventory slots they offer.

All storage recipes in Palworld

There are various chests that players can craft in the game. From the basic Wooden Chest to the refined Metal Chest, these allow you to store your most precious loot without having to drag them wherever you go. Below, you’ll find a list of all, including the materials needed to craft them.

Wooden Chest (Level 2)15 Wood + 5 Stone
Feed Box (Level 4)15 Wood + 5 Stone
Wooden Tavern Cabinet Furniture Set (Level 8)30 Wood + 5 Stone
Cooler Box (Level 13)20 Ingot + 5 Stone + 1 Ice Organ
Antique Storage Set (Level 14)40 Wood + 2 Nail
Metal Chest (Level 16)15 Ingot + 30 Wood
Antique Storage Cabinet Set (Level 20)30 Wood + 10 Fiber
Metal Shelf Set (Level 26)20 Ingot + 1 Nail
Storage Container Set (Level 32)100 Ingot
Refrigerator (Level 38)50 Refined Ingot + 20 Polymer + 15 Ice Organ + 5 Circuit Board
Refined Metal Chest (Level 39)20 Refined Ingot + 50 Wood + 20 Nail

While all these chests offer additional storage slots, keep in mind that some of them are only available to store food. These are the Feed Box, Cooler Box, and Refrigerator. As for the rest, you can drag any material to one of the storage slots to keep them.