Palworld fans love Celeray’s “unmatched” animation

Shane Black
Palworld character riding giant Pal with gun

Palworld fans are flocking to social media to show how much they love an “unmatched” animation from the Pal, Celeray.

Despite being a resounding success, Palworld is not without its fair share of bugs that players have been quick to point out.

Fortunately, there are a good amount of them that are more entertaining than they are game-breaking, and these are becoming the community’s favorites.

One such bug has emerged in the form of a Pal’s animations, and players are really enjoying it.

Palworld fans love Celerays’ unstoppable animation

In a clip shared to the Palworld subreddit, the original poster says: “Celaray’s backflip is unmatched.”

The clip itself shows the player fighting a big Mossanda Lux with a Celeray, who has a backflip attack.

Well, the Celeray performs this backflip at just the right time and ends up launching the Mossanda Lux into the stratosphere. And then the clip becomes the internet’s favorite “Shooting Star” meme.

Naturally, the community has responded with a lot of positivity, with one user saying, “The physics in this game have some great moments.”

Another user uses a reference to Palworld’s most-known inspiration: “Team Rockets blasting off agaaaaiiiiinnn.”

There are other fans who took the chance to discuss their own encounters with hilarious bugs like this:

“… my friend found out that you can actually climb onto a Pal Sphere while it’s trying to capture a Pal, and if you’re on top when it finishes it sends you to the moon.”

The success of Palworld is incredible, and the community is riding that high by having fun with these bugs rather than letting them hamper the experience.