Every Stellar Tera-type Pokemon card ranked

Em Stonham
Galvantula Pokemon card with anime background and sparkles.

Stellar Miracle marked the introduction of Stellar Tera-type cards to the Pokemon TCG – an intriguing spin on the classic Tera typing, inspired by the Scarlet & Violet DLC.

Stellar Pokemon cards are exceptionally powerful, playing in a similar way to old Crystal Pokemon cards from the e-Card series. Some of them are much more powerful than others, though, which is why we’ve ranked them here.

Here’s every Stellar Tera-type Pokemon card, ranked based on their competitive viability, move pool, and potential for TCG players, including the latest unreleased cards from the anxiously-awaited Paradise Dragona.

6. Cinderace ex (018/102)

Cinderace Stellar Pokemon card.
Cinderace ex (018/102) Pokemon card.

Pokemon TCG fans were excited to see the Galar Fire-type starter getting some attention in the Stellar Miracle release, but the move set and competitive potential don’t quite live up to the hype.

Thanks to translations from PokeBeach, it’s possible to see how this card works in a match. The first Attack, Flare Strike, deals 280 damage which could one-shot the majority of enemies. That being said, it has a single-turn cool-down.

Alongside this, Cinderace ex has Garnet Volley, which can deal 180 damage to an enemy Pokemon. This can be useful for bench sniping and help fill in the gaps between flare strike turns.

This Cinderace card can deal significant chunks of damage. Still, it doesn’t have access to any utility Abilities or special Attacks with additional perks like the other Stellar Tera-types in the game. It’s not a bad card by any means – and it looks incredible, too – but it’s not exceptional.

5. Terapagos ex (088/102)

Terapagos Stellar Pokemon card.
Terapagos (088/102) Pokemon card.

It might seem odd to rank Terapagos anywhere other than first in a list of the best Stellar Pokemon, but this card can already be countered easily and it’s only just been released.

Terapagos ex is heavily reliant on Benched Pokemon to deal significant damage. It has the Attack Unified Beatdown, which deals 30 damage for every Benched ‘mon.

Crown Opal deals 180 damage then blocks all damage to your Active Pokemon from non-Colorless Basic enemies during the next turn.

Crown Opal is a significant move, as damage blocks are always helpful to have access to but the existence of Pokemon like Zeraora in Stellar Miracle – which gains more power the more Benched Pokemon an enemy has – means Terapagos is already on rocky ground.

4. Galvantula ex (033/102)

Galvantula Stellar Pokemon card.
Galvantula ex (033/102) Pokemon card.

Galvantula ex is one of the most exciting Pokemon cards to be released with Stellar Miracle. It’s somewhat of an underappreciated ‘mon in the community, and it has access to some impressive power.

Charged Web deals 110 base damage for just 2 Energy. If the enemy has an Active Pokemon ex or Pokemon V, Charged Web deals another 110 damage on top of this.

Galvantula ex also has the Attack Fulgurite, which deals 180 damage and then blocks the opponent from playing Items during their next turn. The downside here is that Fulgurite requires you to discard all Energy in order to use it.

Despite the strong Energy tax, Galvantula ex is one of the most impressive Pokemon cards in the current Stellar Tera line-up, and it pairs well with its Joltik counterpart, too.

3. Flygon ex (027/064)

Flygon Stellar Tera-type Pokemon card.
Flygon ex (027/064) Pokemon card.

Flygon ex is the tankiest Stellar Tera-type card that’s been revealed at the time of writing, with a mighty 310HP and decent set of Attacks. It was unveiled during Pokemon Worlds 2024 and will be joining the game with Paradise Dragon’s release on September 13.

Despite being tanky, this card offers plenty of movement and flexibility. It has the Storm Bug Attack, which deals 130 damage then lets you swap with a Pokemon on your Bench, which could be a brilliant opening move in a match. It only costs 1 Energy, too.

Peridot Sonic is a potentially lethal Attack depending on the deck you’re facing off against. It deals 100 damage to each Pokemon ex and Pokemon V on the opposing team, bypassing Weaknesses and Resistances.

Being able to access Flygon ex in the earlier stages of a match could be a game-changer, but that’s not to say that it couldn’t prove useful in the late-game, too. It’s tanky and durable, yet it can swap out quickly if needed.

2. Alolan Exeggutor ex (040/064)

Alolan Exeggutor ex Pokemon card.
Alolan Exeggutor ex (040/064) Pokemon card.

Alolan Exeggutor ex is one of the newest cards to join the Stellar Tera-type Pokemon line-up, having been just unveiled for the upcoming Paradise Dragona expansion set.

Goofy design aside, this card holds some weight. The Tropical Fever Attack deals a solid 150 damage then allows players to look at their hand and select any number of Basic Energy cards, attaching them to their Pokemon in any desired manner.

Alongside this, the secondary Attack deals no damage but requires a coin flip. If the coin lands on heads, the opponent’s Active Pokemon is Knocked Out. If it lands on tails, one of the opponent’s Benched Pokemon is Knocked Out.

With the first Attack offering plenty of utility and the second Attack allowing the user to theoretically stall their opponent in their tracks, this Stellar Pokemon is well worth keeping an eye out for. It’s not the hardest-hitting Pokemon in the list, but it’s still exceptionally useful.

1. Lapras ex (019/102)

Lapras Stellar Pokemon card.
Lapras ex (019/102) Pokemon card.

Lapras ex was immediately crowned as “OP” by the TCG community when it was revealed, and it’s easy to see why. This card combines sheer power with incredible Attack synergy.

The Power Splash Attack deals 40 stacking damage for every attached Energy card, costing only 1 Water Energy to be used.

Alongside this, it has Larimar Rain, which allows the player to check the top 20 cards of their deck, attach any discovered Energy cards to their Pokemon in any desired manner, and then shuffle their deck.

Deck-searching Attacks and Abilities are always important to have on hand in a Pokemon TCG match and being able to flip through 20 cards is an instant game-changer. These two Attacks work in perfect harmony together, making Lapras ex the best Stellar Tera-type Pokemon card in the game.

If you’re keen on adding some Stellar Tera Pokemon cards to your collection, make sure to check out our guide to importing Stellar Miracle here. Stellar Miracle introduced some powerful cards and celestial designs into the game which are worth picking up as a collector.

Alternatively, head to our Stellar Crown and Paradise Dragona hubs to keep up with the next releases in the calendar.