Pokemon Gen 9 announcement leaves players torn in the funniest way

Dave Deiley
Pokemon Scarlet Violet gameplay

Pokemon Gen 9 got its official announcement over the weekend and with a new starting three of Quaxly, Fuecoco, and Sprigatito, Trainers around the world are torn on what to make of the lineup.

As the sun sets and the moon rises, so does a new generation of Pokemon get announced. Pokemon Gen 9, consisting of the double games Scarlet & Violet, have been getting some serious love, and laughs, on Twitter since the announcement.

Opinions have definitely been divided though. While fans are excited, many have fixated on the designs of the new starting Pokemon lineup.

One in particular, a duck called Quaxly, a Pokemon dressed like Donald Duck, is copping the most ire.

Arguing that new Pokemon announcements are unoriginal, while forgetting a blue water turtle called Squirtle started it all is about as ridiculous as it gets. That hasn’t stopped twitter, however.

On the positive side, Fuecoco has been getting major amounts of love for being an adorable fiery dinosaur.

The triad hits home for a huge number of people.

In Game Freak’s defense, smashing out hundreds of new additions to the already stacked world that’s been created over the past 24 years since Pokemon Yellow’s release cannot be an easy task. So perhaps the occasional similarity to a pre-existing idea or creature can be forgiven.

However, the fan art that comes out of the off-the-cuff designs cannot be looked past. Try as hard as we might, it’s going to be hard to see Quaxly as anything but ‘Donald 2’


As always, beyond memes, the pokemon fan artists have come out on top.

Crafting absolutely insane pieces mere hours after the announcement. Leaving us in a positive place, this gorgeous visage of the starters has left us with nothing but a warm glow.