Pokemon Go Blacephalon Raid Guide: Weaknesses & best counters

Raissa Jerez
pokemon go blacephalon

Ultra Beasts collectors can add Blacephalon to their teams as it will finally debut in Pokemon Go during Ultra Space Wonders. Here are the best counters to target Blacephalon’s weaknesses during the encounter.

The extradimensional creatures known as Ultra Beasts were introduced to the franchise in Pokemon Sun & Moon and have been making their way to Pokemon Go since 2022.

With the Inbound from Ultra Space event, players from the Western Hemisphere can challenge Blacephalon from July 11, 2024, until July 12, 2024. So, if you’re planning on battling this dual Fire/Ghost-type Ultra Beast in the mobile game, here’s all you need to know.

Blacephalon weaknesses in Pokemon Go

As a dual Fire/Ghost-type Pokemon, Blacephalon is weak to Ground, Rock, Ghost, Water, and Dark-type moves, so you must build your team with those types in mind.

However, its particular type combination gives Blacephalon plenty of resistances you need to look out for. The Ultra Beast is resistant to Poison, Steel, Fire, Grass, Ice, Fairy, Normal, Fighting, and Bug-type attacks, so avoid using those at all costs, as they won’t do much damage.

Blacephalon counters in Pokemon Go

Here are some of the best counters you can use during the battle:

Primal KyogrePrimal KyogreWaterfall & Origin Pulse
Primal GroudonPrimal GroudonMud Shot & Precipice Blades
Mega TyranitarMega TyranitarBite & Brutal Swing
Mega SwampertMega SwampertWater Gun & Hydro Cannon
Mega GengarPokemon GO Mega GengarLick & Shadow Ball
Shadow RampardosSmack Down & Rock Slide
Shadow RhyperiorRhyperiorMud-Slap & Rock Wrecker
Giratina Origin FormePokemon Go Giratina Origin Forme Master LeagueShadow Claw & Shadow Force
HydreigonHydreigonBite & Brutal Swing
GreninjaGreninjaWater Shuriken & Hydro Cannon

The list includes Megas, Legendaries, Shadow, and more common Pokemon, so there should be something for trainers of all levels.

However, even though the creatures listed are very effective against Blacephalon, they still need to be leveled up and know the proper moves if you want to win the battle.

How to get Blacephalon in Pokemon Go

As an Ultra Beast, the only way to catch Blacephalon in Pokemon Go is by defeating it in a 5-Star Raid battle.

Luckily for trainers, Blacephalon will appear as a Raid Boss during the Inbound from Ultra Space event from July 11, 2024, until July 12, 2024. However, its availability is restricted to the Western Hemisphere, as Stakataka will appear in the Eastern Hemisphere.

Additionally, it will be featured in the Raid Hour on July 11, 2024 (Western Hemisphere) from 6:00 PM until 7:00 PM local time.

Blacephalon Pokemon Go

Can Blacephalon be Shiny in Pokemon Go?

No, Shiny Blacephalon is not currently available in Pokemon Go, so Shiny hunters will have to wait for another event to unlock this variation.

Blacephalon is one of the weirdest-looking creatures in the franchise, and players will be able to spot its Shiny version easily as its white body goes electric blue.

While you wait for the Inbound from Ultra Space event, check out the current Raid bosses in Pokemon Go and our Spotlight Hour schedule.