Pokemon Go Collection Challenge slammed for being “frustrating” to complete

Eleni Thomas
Deino appearing in Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go’s latest Collection Challenge has become increasingly “frustrating” for players following major issues surrounding the spawning of the required Pokemon needed to complete the task.

Part of the fun of Pokemon Go is completing in-game challenges created by developer Niantic, many of which offer up rare rewards and items for players to use later on. 

In saying this, the latest Collection Challenge for the game has been causing players to get increasingly “frustrated” due to how difficult many are finding it to complete.

The Collection Challenge in question, which forms part of the Pokemon Go Ultra Space Wonder event, requires trainers to catch three rare Dragon-type Pokemon, Druddigon, Deino, and Bagon. 

Those who do manage to complete the collection challenge are then given the chance to get their hands on a shiny Mareanie, a rare water/poison-type Pokemon.

Despite these Pokemon appearing in 3-Star Raids, players are reporting that they are still struggling to find and catch them, some even calling the challenge a “myth” given their struggles to complete it.

One Pokemon Go player took to Reddit to share just how difficult it has been to complete the challenge, discussing how they have  “been checking local raids every 30 minutes for the last 3.5 days and haven’t seen a single Deino one. I’m convinced they’re either fictional or region-locked. And yes, I’ve physically gone out to populous areas to seek them out. No cigar.”

While many Pokemon Go players share a similar sentiment, it appears that it is not just one Pokemon causing the problem. With multiple reports explaining how certain players are having trouble with all of the three Dragon Pokemon they are required to catch.

“For me, it’s the Druddigon. Haven’t even seen one before and haven’t seen it in any of the raids since the start of the challenges,” admitted another trainer.

A third player also stating that they’ve managed to find “plenty of Deino” but that they “couldn’t find a single Bagon.”

With the event drawing to a close on May 28, 2024, Pokemon Go players may not have enough time left to complete the collection challenge. 

However, there is always the upcoming June events to shift focus to, including the Shared Skies season which marks the return of one of the game’s most powerful attack-based Pokemon in Mega Rayquaza.