Pokemon Go Groudon 100 IV explained

Nathan Ellingsworth
The Pokemon Groudon appears against a blurred background

Pokemon Go players in the hope of bagging the perfect Groudon, learn everything you need to identify the 100 IV monster with our full guide.

In Pokemon Go, the powerful legendary Pokemon Groudon can be encountered after defeating it in Raids, and players hoping to find one with perfect 100 IVs should look out for two numbers. In Pokemon Go, 100 IV Groduon has the following CP:

  • Normal CP – 2351
  • Weather-boosted CP – 2939

Pokemon Go players that defeat Groudon in Raids, and find one with either of the two CPs above, should do everything they can to catch it as this Groudon in particular has perfect stats. 100 IVs means that every individual value is as good as it can be.

A screenshot from the Pokemon Go menu shows a Groudon with perfect IVs

Groudon is already a fantastic Pokemon for Raids and PvP, especially against some common threats like Exadrill, Dialga, or Xerneas.

In Pokemon Go, players can search for this by typing ‘4*’ into the search bar. Alternatively, if you have it unlocked click Pokemon, tap the Search bar, tap See More, then scroll down to the Perfect button.

If you are setting out to add Groduon to your party, be sure to check out our Pokemon Go Groudon Raid guide including weaknesses and counters, our guide on how to get Groudon and can it be Shiny, as well as the Pokemon Go Primal Groudon Raid Day guide.

That’s all we have on this Groudon 100 IV guide for now, but for even more great Pokemon Go content be sure to read the articles below:

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