Pokemon Go Mega Tyranitar Raid Guide: Weaknesses & best counters

Jessica Filby
mega tyranitar pokemon go dexerto

Mega Tyranitar is returning to Pokemon Go, bringing both a tricky battle and a highly sought-after catch to the popular game. Here are Mega Tyranitar’s weaknesses and best counters to take it down easily.

It’s no secret that Mega Raid Battles are a challenge. Even the best players with the most powerful roster can struggle when they don’t prepare enough or adjust their party depending on the enemy’s weaknesses. After all, types are one of the most important parts of any Pokemon game.

So, to help you get hold of your very own Mega Tyranitar in Pokemon Go now that it’s coming back to Mega Raids, here’s everything you need to know about how to defeat it, including its weaknesses, best counters, and whether you’re lucky enough to get a Shiny.

Mega Tyranitar weaknesses in Pokemon Go

Since Mega Tyranitar is a Rock/Fighting-type Pokemon, it’s weak to quite a few types, including Bug, Fairy, Grass, Ground, Steel, and Water. Additionally, it has a double weakness to Fighting types, so it’s worth using a Pokemon that specializes in these attacks when taking on this Raid.

As for strengths, Mega Tyranitar is immune to Psychic Pokemon and resistant to Normal, Flying, Poison, Ghost, Fire, and Dark, so avoid taking these particular types to the encounter.

Mega Tyranitar counters in Pokemon Go

Thankfully, there are quite a few great counters for Mega Tyranitar. We recommend using Lucario, but all the best counters are listed below:

Mega Blaziken Mega BlazikenCounter & Focus Blast
Mega HeracrossMega Heracross in Pokemon GoCounter & Close Combat
Shadow MachampMachampCounter & Dynamic Punch
Shadow HariyamaCounter & Dynamic Punch
Shadow ToxicroakCounter & Dynamic Punch
TerrakionTerrakionDouble Kick & Sacred Sword
KeldeoKeldeo in Pokemon GoLow Kick & Sacred Sword
LucarioCounter & Aura Sphere
ConkeldurrCounter & Dynamic Punch
HawluchaLow Kick & Flying Press

The list includes a mix of Megas, Legendaries, Shadow, and standard Pokemon, so there should be something for every trainer.

Of course, these Pokemon still need to be leveled up and know the proper moves if you want to defeat Mega Tyranitar in Mega Raids.

How to get Mega Tyranitar in Pokemon Go

You’ll be able to get hold of Mega Tyranitar by defeating it in 5-Star Mega Raids and catching the regular Tyranitar soon after with the given Premier Balls.

Once you’ve caught Tyranitar, you can Mega-evolve it using 200 Mega Energy. Such Mega Energy can be acquired by defeating a Mega-Evolved Pokémon in a Mega Raid Battle or by completing specific research tasks.

Mega Tyranitar will be available in Raids from Friday, June 28, 2024, at 10:00 AM until Monday, July 8, 2024, at 8:00 PM local time, when it will be replaced by a currently unknown headliner.

mega tyranitar pokemon

Can Mega Tyranitar be Shiny in Pokemon Go?

Players will be thrilled to discover that, yes, Mega Tyranitar can be Shiny, as it was added into Pokemon Go the same day regular Mega Tyranitar debuted.

Those who take on the mighty Mega Tyranitar during the Mega Raids will have the chance to encounter this special version.

The lucky ones that manage to catch it, will end up with a Shiny Tyranitar that will keep its nature and turn into a Shiny Mega Tyranitar every time you Mega-evolve it.

That’s all you need to know about Mega Tyranitar in Pokemon Go. For more about Mega Evolutions, check our guide about costs and bonuses, as well as the list of all the Mega Evolutions missing from the game.