Pokemon Go player concerned their mom is “addicted” to the game

Philip Trahan
pokemon anime ash mom

A Pokemon Go trainer has asked the community for help after they claimed their mother is “addicted” to the monster-catching mobile game.

Like with any video game, Pokemon Go was designed to entice players to have fun and keep coming back for more monster-catching goodness.

However, when it comes to mobile games, many are designed to make players feel obligated to return every single day, to complete daily tasks, earn log-in bonuses, and more.

Now, one concerned Pokemon Go player has called on the community for advice after they claimed their mom has become “addicted” to playing the mobile game.

Pokemon Go fan asks for help after with mom’s “addiction” to the game

The trainer in question made a post on the Pokemon Go subreddit asking for help, with a thread titled, “My mom is addicted.”

The OP went on to explain that their mother wakes up at 4 AM before work to walk and catch Pokemon for an hour. Additionally, they explained that “When we’re out on a trip, she only looks at her phone and it’s as if she wasn’t even there with us. When we are at home and I want to ask something, she says that she is working.'”

While the trainer admitted they don’t mind that she plays the mobile game they think “she plays too much and sometimes it seems that she see the game as an obligation and stresses her out.”

They ended their post by asking the community for help on how they should address the topic with their mother.

Many players took the post seriously and offered bits of advice on how to proceed. “Say you’re worried, ask others to express themselves if they’re also worried. Sounds like a gaming addiction and should be handled as such, preferably by a professional,” said one fan.

Some players suggested the trainer buy their mom an autocatcher to cut down on playtime. “Maybe buy her a gotcha so she can spin stops and auto catch Pokémon while out with the family without being glued to her phone.”

Others had a different take on the situation and offered their own perspectives for context. “I am 60 and been addicted for years. I did quit once to play a different game for two years. If I wasn’t addicted to this I would probably be addicted to something else…,” they said.

While video games can be fun hobbies to play socially or alone, it’s always important to remember to play in moderation.