Pokemon Go player distraught as girlfriend deletes account with over 150 shinies

Eleni Thomas
Pokemon Go deleted account

A Pokemon Go player had their eight-year-old account, which allegedly had over 150 shines and 30 hundos, deleted by their girlfriend after a fight.

As the Pokemon saying goes, you gotta catch’em all. However, for one unfortunate Pokemon Go player, their eight-year-long efforts to build their collection were lost in the blink of an eye as their girlfriend deleted their account after a “pretty serious argument.”

As explained on Reddit, the trainer went for a walk outside to “cool off” following a major argument with their girlfriend.

When they returned home, they discovered she had taken their phone and deleted their Pokemon Go account in a “moment of rage and anger.” And while losing progress in any game is always a tough blow, this particular Pokemon Go player had spent years growing their Pokedex.

The player first joined Pokemon Go in 2016; the trainer later revealed that they had over 150 shines, 30 hundos, and had even “spent a few hundred dollars on the game” on their account.

“She immediately regretted her decision and told me what she had done as soon as I got back home. I sent an email to Niantic support immediately as well but got no response,” confirmed the initial poster.

Fellow trainers were quick to offer suggestions on how to reinstate their accounts. While many told them not to bother going through the game’s support section as “they literally never help,” others suggested trying to reach out to Pokemon Go influencers to repost and tag Niantic.

This is not the first time a Pokemon Go player has been left completely at a loss after their account was deleted, and given Niantic’s strict policy regarding account recovery, this will likely not be the last time.

As the Pokemon Go website explains, “It is not possible to recover or reactivate a deleted Pokemon Trainer Club account.”

While not optimistic about getting their account reinstated, the player has asked if there is any way developer Niantic would consider reactivating it as “it’s sad to have all of that time just gone.”