Pokemon Go player invents “genius” hack for achieving Excellent throws

Philip Trahan
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A Pokemon Go player invented a “genius” DIY hack for making Excellent throws using a popsicle stick, tape, and sticky puddy.

If there’s one thing that Pokemon Go players will be doing most often when playing the mobile game, it’s catching wild Pokemon.

When catching wild Pokemon, trainers are graded on their Poke Ball throwing abilities with a Nice, Great, or Excellent throw ranking.

Now, one trainer decided to make what the community called a “genius” DIY invention to help make achieving Excellent throws much easier.

Pokemon Go player builds DIY hack to make Excellent throws

A Reddit user by the name Sufficient-Piece-OS made a post on the Pokemon Go subreddit titled, “How I got my Excellent throws complete.”

They explained that they built a simple little tool out of a popsicle stick, some electrical tap, and a bit of blue sticky puddy to help them land Excellent throws without fail. The OP also attached pictures of the DIY hack in action.

According to the trainer who made the post, they have trouble throwing Poke Balls straight due to tremors and decided to make a tool to help alleviate the issue.

According to the OP, “The sticky puddy makes it so the Popsicle stick will stick to my screen but not move, which allows me to throw a perfectly strait throw when sliding my finger against it. I had to add the electrical tape after getting my first splinter.”

A variety of challenges in Pokemon Go require trainers to make a certain amount of Excellent throws, which can prove quite challenging for some.

Many fans praised the player’s ingenuity to help accommodate their disability. “That’s so smart, my fingers keep shaking so I can’t make [Excellent throws] most of time, I def need to do this!”

For those trainers who may have to deal with unsteady or shaky hands, this DIY trick could prove incredibly useful for finishing those hard-to-complete Excellent throw challenges.