Pokemon Go player reads Egg notification as negative pregnancy result

Laura Gray
Pokemon Go Eggs

A Pokemon Go player makes a humorous discovery when getting push notifications about incubating Eggs – likening it to a negative pregnancy test.

Pokemon Go players are often managing many aspects of gameplay even when the app is closed. This is thanks to the “Adventure Sync” function that monitors the distance traveled even when the game isn’t open. Using this feature, players can complete tasks, walk Buddies, and even hatch eggs while passively enjoying a screen-free walk.

However, to help keep track of Pokemon Go’s stats while using Adventure Sync, fans can also opt-in to push notifications and home screen widgets. These notifications keep track of both Buddy status and also the number of Eggs being incubated. They can be particularly useful for conserving battery power when on longer walks or events for the game.

One Pokemon Go fan keeping track of their Eggs made a humorous discovery after receiving a push notification and shared the moment with other players on social media.

Pokemon Go player gets a negative on incubating Eggs

In a Twitter post by Captdandare, the Pokemon Go player shares an image of their phone screen with a Pokemon Go push notification. The post reads, “This always feels like Pokémon Go telling me I’m not pregnant.”

Hilariously, the Pokemon Go notification reads, “You currently have no Eggs incubating.” While this is normally a sign that it’s time to open the app and throw some eggs into incubators, the misconstrued meaning is far more amusing.

Fans in the comments are also finding the alternate meaning of the notification funny, with one viewer adding “Literally” when replying to Captdandare’s post.

Thankfully, there is nothing personal about the notification, and players who see it can toss a few new eggs into their incubators to get back to hatching new companions while going about their daily business.