Pokemon Go players left confused after seeing two forms of Shiny Xerneas

Laura Gray
Pokemon Go Xerneas Shiny

Pokemon Go players are out to catch a Shiny version of the Kalos Legendary Xerneas, but many are confused after encountering what appears to be multiple Shiny variations following Raid battles.

Pokemon Go players are currently wrapping up the Evolving Stars event, which is part of the long-term Season of Light celebration. Featuring the Alolan Legendary Cosmoem, trainers have had the chance to encounter several different Pokemon both in Raids and as wild spawns.

In addition to the exciting Alola adventures, Pokemon Go fans have also seen the return of both the Kalos Legendaries Yevtal and Xerneas. The powerful Gen 6 species both had their Shiny debut in the past month, making them a prize to bump into during Raid battles.

However, there has been some confusion over Xerneas, whose raid timeframe began on October 8 and will go through October 20, 2022, at 8 PM local time. Players who have battled and caught Xerneas have vocalized surprise, as it appears to have two different Shiny variations.

Pokemon Go players find Xerneas in both its “Active” and “Neutral” modes

In a recent Twitter post shared by Enna7785, the player asks, “So I guess there are 2 different Xerneas? I’ve seen people get both shiny forms (the right side ones) That’s pretty awesome! I need them both lol” followed by images of Xerneas in both its Shiny and standard colorations.

Technically, the Pokemon Go fan isn’t incorrect. Xerneas has two “modes”, similar to Morpeko’s “Hangry” and “Full Belly” modes. The “Active” mode is the version most players think of when they picture Xerneas, as it transforms its antlers into a colorful crown. The “Neutral” mode is the coloration Xerneas takes on outside of battle, lacking the brilliant lights.

If a player catches a Shiny Xerneas, these modes are still in use. Because of this, players will encounter the “Active” Shiny in battle and then see the “Neutral” mode Shiny when they go to look at it in their bags.

While it can be a bit confusing, it’s fun to know that Shiny Xerneas comes with two beautiful alternate colorations for the price of one.