Pokemon Go Stakataka Raid Guide: Weaknesses & best counters

Raissa Jerez
pokemon go stakataka

Several Ultra Beasts are returning to Raids for the Inbound from Ultra Space event in Pokemon Go. For those looking to challenge Stakataka, here are the Pokemon’s weaknesses and best counters to easily defeat it in battle.

Ultra Beasts are very weird-looking creatures introduced to the Alolan region in 2017 when Pokemon Sun & Moon came out.

As some were still missing from Pokemon Go, Niantic decided to add Blacephalon and Stakataka to the game during the previous Ultra Space Wonders event.

From July 11, 2024, until July 12, 2024, players from the Eastern Hemisphere will have a chance to catch Stakataka, so here’s all you need to know.

Stakataka weaknesses in Pokemon Go

As a dual Rock/Steel-type Ultra Beast, Stakataka is weak to Water-type moves with a double weakness to Ground and Fighting-type attacks, so keep that in mind when building your team.

Nonetheless, its incredible type combination makes Stakataka resistant to many types, such as Rock, Bug, Psychic, Ice, Dragon, Fairy, Normal, Flying, and Poison-type attacks. Therefore, avoid using those at all costs, as they won’t hurt much.

Stakataka counters in Pokemon Go

Here are some of the best counters you can use during the battle:

Primal GroudonPrimal GroudonMud Shot & Precipice Blades
Mega GarchompMega Garchomp in Pokemon GoMud Shot & Earth Power
Mega HeracrossMega Heracross in Pokemon GoCounter & Close Combat
Mega BlazikenMega BlazikenCounter & Focus Blast
Shadow ExcadrillExcadrillMud-Slap & Scorching Sands
Shadow MachampMachampCounter & Dynamic Punch
TerrakionTerrakionDouble Kick & Sacred Sword
KeldeoKeldeo in Pokemon GoLow Kick & Sacred Sword
LucarioCounter & Aura Sphere
ConkeldurrCounter & Dynamic Punch

The list above includes Megas, Legendaries, Shadow, and common Pokemon, so there should be something for trainers of all levels.

However, even though the creatures listed are very effective against Stakataka, they still need to be leveled up and know the proper moves if you want to win the encounter.

How to get Stakataka in Pokemon Go

Like every other Ultra Beast, the only way to catch Stakataka in Pokemon Go is by defeating it in a 5-Star Raid battle.

Luckily for trainers, Stakataka will appear as a Raid Boss during the Inbound from Ultra Space event from July 11, 2024, until July 12, 2024. However, its availability is restricted to the Eastern Hemisphere, as Blacephalon will appear in the Western Hemisphere.

Additionally, it will be featured in the Raid Hour on July 11, 2024 (Eastern Hemisphere) from 6:00 PM until 7:00 PM local time.

Stakataka from Pokemon anime.

Can Stakataka be Shiny in Pokemon Go?

No, Stakataka’s Shiny variation is not currently available in Pokemon Go, so Shiny hunters will have to wait until another event unlocks it.

Once Shiny Stakataka is introduced into the game, players will be able to spot it in seconds, as its whole body transforms from stone to gold.

While you wait for the Inbound from Ultra Space event, check out the current Raid bosses in Pokemon Go and our Spotlight Hour schedule.