Pokemon Go Xerneas: Best moveset for PvP and Raids

Raissa Jerez
pokemon xerneas

The Legendary Xerneas is one of the best Fairy-type creatures in Pokemon Go and a top contender in the Battle League. Learn its best movesets to exploit this stag’s power in both PvP and Raid battles.

Xerneas and Yveltal are the mascots of the X & Y games released in 2013, and they made their Pokemon Go debut in their respective Luminous Legends event in 2021.

The Legendary Xerneas is an incredible attacker and the second-best Fairy creature in the game‘s Battle League, after Florges. Nonetheless, to experience its sheer power, you must level it up and teach it the best moveset first.

Best moveset for PvP

Xernea’s best moveset for Pokemon Go’s PvP consists of Geomancy as the Fast Move and Moonblast as the Charged Move.

As a pure Fairy-type Pokemon, Xerneas should take advantage of the same type of moves to get STAB, and Geomancy and Moonblast are the only attacks out of its move pool that can do that.

Despite that, Geomancy – its signature move – has incredible energy generation and has great synergy with Moonblast, a nuke that has a 10% chance of decreasing the target’s Attack stat by 20%.

If you can afford a secondary Charged Move or rather spend less energy than with Moonblast, then you can choose Close Combat. This move will expand Xerneas’ coverage and will attack more often, as it is cheap, however, you must be aware of its self-debuff.

The Pokemon Xerneas appears in the Pokemon anime

Best moveset for Raids

The best moveset to teach Xerneas for Pokemon Go Raid battles is also Geomancy as the Fast Move and Moonblast as the Charged Move.

Out of the three Fast Moves, Geomancy is still the best for this situation. Actually, it is considered one of the top Fast Attacks in the game and pairs nicely with Moonblast, as they both get STAB.

Moonblast has bad PvE parameters, but despite that, it’s the ultimate choice for Raids.

All moves Xerneas can learn in Pokemon Go

The so-called Life Pokemon, Xerneas, can learn three potential Fast Moves and five potential Charged Moves, all with different types ranging from Fairy and Psychic to even Electric and Bug.

Xerneas Fast Moves

  • Tackle (Normal)
  • Zen Headbutt (Psychic)
  • Geomancy (Fairy/STAB/Legacy)

Xerneas Charged Moves

  • Megahorn (Bug)
  • Thunder (Electric)
  • Moonblast (Fairy/STAB)
  • Close Combat (Fighting)
  • Giga Impact (Normal)

That’s all there is to know about the best moveset Xerneas can use in Pokemon Go PvP and Raid battles. Don’t forget to check out the Spotlight Hour schedule, the Community Day, and all the current events taking place in the game.