Pokemon Go’s Galar Region starters are “chewing” through Pokeball supplies

Eleni Thomas
Pokemon Go Galar Region

Pokemon Go’s newly added Galar Region staters are “chewing” through Pokeball supplies due to being extremely hard to catch.

Pokemon Go has undergone a huge transformation recently as part of the game’s new season. After being teased for months, the game finally introduced a Dynamax feature and added many of the Galar Region’s most iconic Pokemon.

Grookey, Scorbunny, and Sobble, the three starter Pokemon from Sword and Shield, all debuted in Go All Out, an event that’s available between September 3 and September 10

This has given players the chance to catch these cute Pokemon and acquire their respective evolutions. But although they can be found in the wild, their pick rate is extremely low. 

While the Galar Calling special research makes it much easier for trainers to obtain one of the starters, you’ll be required to hunt in the wild for the other two… and trainers are having major issues.

“They chewing through my balls, man,” admitted one Pokemon Go player in a new Reddit thread. But what’s making these Pokemon so hard to catch? And why are trainers using “30 balls to catch just one” of the Galar starters?

There are multiple reasons why. Firstly, the spawn rate for Grookey, Scorbunny, and Sobble is very low, which is to be expected given they are so central to the new event and are some of the only Pokemon that can be Dynamaxed.

However, players have also noted how, when encountered in the wild, the Galar starters are “so small and far away” that it’s “hard to even hit them, let alone land a good or great throw.”

In particular, Grookey is causing the most pain for trainers, as their “ridiculously small catch circle” makes it difficult to even land a throw.

“I literally think Grookey has the same catch circle as Scatterbug,” wrote one trainer. “I’ve even had my Pokeballs just bounce off their heads,” revealed another player.

Others have admitted to using multiple Great and Ulta Balls on Grookey, items typically reserved for much harder-to-catch Pokemon such as Legendaries.

“I have had legendary raid mons that were easier to catch than these,” another trainer added.

While trainers are now imploring developer Niantic to alter the Galar starter’s catch circles to make them more accessible, time will tell if alternations will be made.

For now, though, players must prepare to part with a few extra Poke Balls if they want to add Grookey, Scorbunny, and Sobble to their collection.