Pokemon Let’s Go Master Trainers Locations & Guide
Pokemon Let’s Go Master Trainers is a new addition to the Pokemon RPG post-game. They test the very best Pokemon trainers because you can only face them with a like kind Pokemon. We discuss the battle rules and each of their locations.
Pokemon Master Trainers
Amidst all the Pokemon Let’s Go hype, the brand new feature Master Trainers may have flown under the radar. Master Trainers will only become available once you become Pokemon League Champion.
These Master Trainers are spread across the Kanto region. Each Master Trainer is the very best trainer for their specific type of Pokemon.
Become a Pokemon Master
It’s one thing to gain badges from the eight Pokemon gyms, beat the Elite Four at Indigo Plateau and defeat your first fiercest rival. It’s an entirely different ball game to master every different Pokemon though.
That is exactly what you’ll need to do to complete Pokemon Let’s Go. There is a Pokemon Master Trainer for every single Pokemon in the Kanto region.
All 151 Pokemon?
Yes, all 151 Pokemon. What makes it all the more interesting is the fact that you must battle their favorite Pokemon with the same species of Pokemon.
For example, if you’re facing a Charizard Master Trainer then you must use only Charizard. It will be intriguing to see how Pokemon battles between the likes of Ditto and Magikarp play out!
Pokemon Master Trainer Rules
As stated above, the main Pokemon Master Trainer rule is that you battle with the exact same species of Pokemon.
There is one more rule though, neither you or the Master Trainer can use items during the Pokemon battle. It’s that simple, there are no more rules! Do this for all 151 Master Trainers to become the ultimate Pokemon master.
Where to Find the Master Trainers
Much like when you find wild Pokemon, Master Trainers are scattered all over Kanto region. It isn’t like finding a needle in haystack, however.
They are clearly highlighted as they will be thinking about their favorite Pokemon which is displayed as a picture above their head. Moreover, the colour of their attire is also different from other Pokemon trainers.
Here are the locations of all Master Trainers in Pokemon Let’s Go:
Pokedex # | Pokemon | Master Trainer Location | Notes |
1 | Bulbasaur | Route 4 | |
2 | Ivysaur | Route 14 | Bottom east corner next to the water |
3 | Venusaur | Exit of Victory Road | |
4 | Charmander | Celadon Condominiums | Game Freak Studio, enter through the back |
5 | Charmeleon | Route 10 | Exit of Rock Tunnel |
6 | Charizard | Route 23 | Outside Indigo Plateau |
7 | Squirtle | Route 12 | Just outside Lavender Town |
8 | Wartortle | Route 20 | Next to the northern barrier rocks |
9 | Blastoise | Seaform Islands Entrance | South-east |
10 | Caterpie | Route 18 | Just west of Fuchsia City |
11 | Metapod | Route 11 | Just before Route 12, north-east |
12 | Butterfree | Route 2 and Viridian Forest | Building connecting the two |
13 | Weedle | Viridian Forest | Just inside on the south side |
14 | Kakuna | Route 13 | East side |
15 | Beedrill | Route 8 | |
16 | Pidgey | Route 2 | |
17 | Pidgeotto | Route 16 | Far west |
18 | Pidgeot | Route 12 and Lavender Town | Upstairs of building connecting the two |
19 | Rattata | Route 10 | Just north of Pokemon Center |
20 | Raticate | Cerulean City | House with burglary |
21 | Spearow | Pewter City | Just outside Pokemon Center |
22 | Fearow | Route 18 | Just west of Fuchsia City |
23 | Ekans | Route 4 | |
24 | Arbok | Celadon City | Game Corner, floor B1 |
25 | Pikachu | Viridian Forest | North just before Pewter City |
26 | Raichu | Pokemon Tower | Second to top floor |
27 | Sandshrew | Route 11 | Just outside Diglett’s Cave |
28 | Sandslash | Route 7 | Building connecting Celadon City and Saffron City |
29 | Nidoran (F) | Route 3 | |
30 | Nidorina | Celadon City/Lavender Town | Undeground passageway |
31 | Nidoqueen | Route 23 | Just before Victory Road |
32 | Nidoran (M) | Route 4 | Just before Mt Moon |
33 | Nidorino | Celadon City/Lavender Town | Undeground passageway |
34 | Nidoking | Route 23 | Just before Victory Road |
35 | Clefairy | Saffron City | In front of building |
36 | Clefable | Mt Moon | One floor down close to entrance |
37 | Vulpix | Route 6 | Just south of building connecting Saffron City |
38 | Ninetales | Route 9 | |
39 | Jigglypuff | Pewter City | Pokemon Center |
40 | Wigglytuff | Silph Co | In front of room where you fought Giovanni |
41 | Zubat | Rock Tunnel | One floor down close to exit |
42 | Golbat | Victory Road | One floor up close to exit |
43 | Oddish | Viridian City | Just outside Poke Mart |
44 | Gloom | Pewter City | Just outside Pokemon Center |
45 | Vileplume | Route 14 | |
46 | Paras | Mt Moon | First room, north-east corner |
47 | Parasect | Route 2 | East side |
48 | Venonat | Route 24 | Left of Nugget Bridge |
49 | Venomoth | Route 15 | |
50 | Diglett | Digglet’s Cave | Entrance coming from Route 2 |
51 | Dugtrio | Digglet’s Cave | Just after entrance coming from Route 11 |
52 | Meowth | Viridian City | Inside Poke Mart |
53 | Persian | Celadon City | Team Rocket Hideout |
54 | Psyduck | Route 21 | West by the barrier rocks |
55 | Golduck | Route 4 | Just outside Cerulean Cave |
56 | Mankey | Route 5 | |
57 | Primeape | Route 11 and Route 12 | Upstairs of building connecting the two |
58 | Growlithe | Route 7 | Near Saffron City entrance |
59 | Arcanine | Celadon City | Building south-east corner |
60 | Poliwag | Route 12 | |
61 | Poliwhirl | Cerulean City | House left of the Pokemon Center |
62 | Poliwrath | Cerulean CIty | Back of the house in the garden |
63 | Abra | Viridian City | South-west corner |
64 | Kadabra | Saffron City | Inside My Psychic’s house |
65 | Alakazam | Route 10 | Outside exit of Rock Tunnel |
66 | Machop | Silph Co | 4th floor |
67 | Machoke | Fuchsia City | House in south-east corner |
68 | Machamp | Vermillion City | North-east |
69 | Bellsprout | Viridian City | Classroom |
70 | Weepinbell | Pokemon Tower | Top floor |
71 | Victreebel | Celadon City | Just outside gym |
72 | Tentacool | Seaform Islands | Fuchsia City side |
73 | Tentacruel | Route 20 | Island |
74 | Geodude | Rock Tunnel | |
75 | Graveler | Victory Road | |
76 | Golem | Pewter CIty | Museum of Science |
77 | Ponyta | Saffron City | Outside Poke Mart |
78 | Rapidash | Saffron City | North-west corner |
79 | Slowpoke | Route 21 | Small island |
80 | Slowbro | Route 21 | Island just before Pallet Town |
81 | Magnemite | Route 5 and Route 6 | Undeground passageway |
82 | Magneton | Route 5 and Route 7 | Undeground passageway |
83 | Farfetch’d | Vermillion City | Outside Pokemon Center |
84 | Doduo | Cerulean City | Inside Bike Shop |
85 | Dodrio | Route 15 | |
86 | Seel | Seaform Islands | East side of first floor |
87 | Dewgong | Seaform Islands | Deep inside |
88 | Grimer | Celadon City | Across the water |
89 | Muk | Pokemon Mansion | 2nd floor |
90 | Shellder | Route 19 | |
91 | Cloyster | Seaform Islands | Outside exit, Cinnabar Island side |
92 | Gastly | Lavender Town | Outside Pokemon Tower |
93 | Haunter | Lavender Town | Hiding between two buildings |
94 | Gengar | Lavender Town | Behind Poke Mart |
95 | Onix | Celadon City and Lavender Town | Undeground passageway |
96 | Drowzee | Viridian City | Inside Pokemon Center |
97 | Hypno | Pokemon Tower | Middle floor |
98 | Krabby | Vermillion City | Pokemon fan house |
99 | Kingler | Silph Co | Main entrance inside |
100 | Voltorb | Power Plant | |
101 | Electrode | Route 17 | |
102 | Exeggcute | Route 24 | Right of Nugget Bridge |
103 | Exeggutor | Cinnabar Island | |
104 | Cubone | Saffron City and Route 8 | Building connecting the two |
105 | Marowak | Lavender Town | House next to Pokemon Center |
106 | Hitmonlee | Saffron City | Fighting Dojo |
107 | Hitmonchan | Saffron City | Fighting Dojo |
108 | Lickitung | Celadon City and Route 17 | Upstairs of building connecting the two |
109 | Koffing | Route 17 | |
110 | Weezing | Celadon City | Team Rocket Hideout B2 |
111 | Rhyhorn | Route 17 | |
112 | Rhydon | Celadon City | Team Rocket Hideout B1 |
113 | Chansey | Fuchsia City | Inside Pokemon Center |
114 | Tangela | Route 15 | |
115 | Kangaskhan | Fuchsia City | Outside Go Park |
116 | Horsea | Route 19 | Next to the eastern barrier rocks |
117 | Seadra | Route 12 | In the water |
118 | Goldeen | Route 12 | In the water |
119 | Seaking | Route 13 | In the water |
120 | Staryu | Fuchsia City | On the beach, south |
121 | Starmie | Route 25 | Outside Bill’s house |
122 | Mr. Mime | Celadon Condominiums | Game Freak Studio, second floor |
123 | Scyther | Fuchsia City and Route 15 | Upstairs of building connecting the two |
124 | Jynx | Route 4 | Outside Cerulean Cave |
125 | Electabuzz | Route 9 | West of Power Plant |
126 | Magmar | Pokemon Mansion | First floor |
127 | Pinsir | Fuchsia City and Route 18 | Upstairs of building connecting the two |
128 | Tauros | Fuchsia City | Outisde Go Park |
129 | Magikarp | Route 3 | Inside Pokemon Center |
130 | Gyarados | Celadon City | Hotel, south-east corner |
131 | Lapras | Pokemon Tower | |
132 | Ditto | Pokemon Mansion | Third floor |
133 | Eevee | Route 17 | |
134 | Vaporeon | Celadon City | Department Store, second floor |
135 | Jolteon | Celadon City | Department Store, third floor |
136 | Flareon | Celadon City | Department Store, fourth floor |
137 | Porygon | Celadon City | Game Corner, first room |
138 | Omanyte | Mt Moon | Two floors down |
139 | Omastar | Cinnabar Island | Pokemon Lab |
140 | Kabuto | Mt Moon | Two floors down |
141 | Kabutops | Pewter CIty | House, north-east corner |
142 | Aerodactyl | Pewter CIty | Museum of Science |
143 | Snorlax | Route 16 | Near entrance of Celadon City |
144 | Articuno | Seaform Islands | Close to original Articuno |
145 | Zapdos | Power Plant | Close to original Zapdos |
146 | Moltres | Victory Road | Close to original Moltress |
147 | Dratini | Route 23 | |
148 | Dragonair | Seaform Islands | Floor above Articuno |
149 | Dragonite | Cerulean City | House behind Pokemon Center |
150 | Mewtwo | Pokemon Mansion | Bottom floor |
151 | Mew | Pokemon Mansion | Bottom floor |
Pokemon Let’s Go Difficulty
The brand new Pokemon Let’s Go feature, Master Trainers, will be a welcome addition to the Pokemon video game series.
A lot of the older Pokemon fans will have played through the Kanto region several times before. As a result, this brand new, challenging addition to the Pokemon series will be met with open arms.
Once you’ve completed all the Master Trainers why not do some shiny hunting! We discuss how to find shiny Pokemon and increase their odds of spawning below:
When you complete each of the Pokemon Let’s Go Master Trainers you’ll be given the coveted title of Grand Master.
"Grand Master" – reserved for the very best Pokémon trainers in Let's Go!
Who else has achieved this title?#PokemonLetsGo
(Image from: u/brotherpercy) pic.twitter.com/Cz69ncATmS
— Pokemon Let's GO! Pikachu & Eevee – INTEL (@PokemonLetsGoNS) December 10, 2018
Pokemon News
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