Pokemon player recreates Sinnoh map in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Paul Cotton

Pokemon Diamond and Pearl’s Sinnoh region can now be found in Animal Crossing: New Horizons – at least thanks to the recreation of one player.

Animal Crossing players have been recreating all sorts of places, from Zelda dungeons to villages from Pokemon Sword and Shield’s Galar region. So, it should come as no surprise that a place as iconic as the Sinnoh region has now got the same treatment.

The recreation came from assaultepic who wanted their island to simply look like Sinnoh. In a response to one comment suggesting they wanted to do the same with the Unova region, assaultepic revealed how they implemented the design for Sinnoh: “I googled a map of Sinnoh and imported it into happy island designer and used their grid as a guide for building the map, I figure it’ll work the same with Unova (though maybe a bit more difficult with how detailed it is).”

Sinnoh Region Animal Crossing
What the Sinnoh region recreation looks like in Animal Crossing…

Making your island look like the region from a birds-eye view compared to on the ground itself, are two very different tasks, and understandably so. It would take a monumental amount of effort to recreate every detail of the Gen 4 Pokemon map.

The creator has done some groundwork to make it more Sinnoh-like, though. “I made some custom hoodies with the starters and put them in Able Sisters so that the villagers can ‘pick their starter'”. They added: “I’ve also been trying to make the villagers look like gym leaders by giving them clothes. So far I’ve got Volkner Ricky and a few others.”

No visitors

Unfortunately assaultepic isn’t accepting any visitors, at least right now. “This island has been a lot of work and I’m not really happy with how any of it looks outside of the map.”

They went on to say: “To be honest, it’s rather cramp, especially because I used cliffs to fill in the middle part. I haven’t done much with the island itself besides making the map.” So, while the map is very Sinnoh-esque, it looks like there’s a lot of work left to be done on the island still.

Hopefully they’ll change their mind about visitors if they’re able to make the improvements to get it in a more ‘visitable’ state. The next question is – which will be the next iconic Pokemon location to be recreated?