Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Pokedex: Location guides for all Pokemon in Gen 9

Ava Thompson-Powell
Pokemon Scarlet Violet Paldea Pokedex

Scarlet & Violet’s Pokedex features over 400 new and returning Pokemon to find, battle, and catch throughout Generation 9. Below, you’ll find all of the Pokemon that you can encounter in the Paldea region, alongside their Pokedex number, type, and links to guides detailing how you can get them.

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet has reimagined the way players can travel through a region as they work to complete their Pokedex: The open-world map is filled with potential companions to catch, and they can even be seen in their Shiny forms in the game’s overworld without needing to get into a battle first.

Also, with the addition of Pokemon Home compatibility and the upcoming Hidden Treasure of Area Zero DLC, even more Pokemon can be discovered throughout Generation 9.

So, here’s everything there is to know about all the ‘mon present in Scarlet & Violet’s Gen 9 Pokedex, including their typing and Pokedex number.

Be sure to check out our list of all the Pokemon not in Gen 9, our Pokemon Scarlet & Violet type chart, our Sandwich recipes guide, or the Gym order for Scarlet & Violet so that you can start catching ’em all in the most efficient way.


A screenshot from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet is full of unique Pokemon to catch and train.

How many Pokemon are in Gen 9’s Pokedex?

Currently, there are a total of 400 Pokemon to be found throughout the Paldea region in Scarlet & Violet, with 40 additional species capable of being transferred into the game from Pokemon Home.

It is also possible additional species may be unlocked after beating the game, or via The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero DLC later in Scarlet & Violet’s life cycle.

Full Paldea Pokedex in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

Below, you’ll find a list detailing all of the Pokemon in Paldea’s Pokedex that players can catch in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, alongside their Type and Pokedex entry number.

Any links below will take you to our species-specific pages for Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. These will include the location of the Pokemon and any information about how to evolve it and the evolutions themselves.

1-30 Pokedex Pokemon in Scarlet & Violet

Pokedex #SpritePokemon NamePokemon Type
#3MewoscaradaGrass / Dark
#6SkeledirgeFire / Ghost
#9QuaquavalWater / Fighting
#15LokixBug / Dark
#16HoppipGrass / Flying
#17SkiploomGrass / Flying
#18JumpluffGrass / Flying
#19FletchlingNormal / Flying
#20FletchinderFire / Flying
#21TalonflameFire / Flying
#23PawmoElectric / Fighting
#24PawmotElectric / Fighting
#25HoundourDark / Fire
#26HoundoomDark / Fire
Quaxly, a water-type Pokemon in Scarlet & Violet Pokedex
Quaxly is entry #7 in the Paldean Pokedex.

31-60 Pokedex Pokemon in Scarlet & Violet

Pokedex #SpritePokemon NamePokemon Type
#37VivillonBug / Flying
#38CombeeBug / Flying
#39VespiquenBug / Flying
#42CorviknightFlying / Steel
#46AzurillNormal / Fairy
#47MarillWater / Fairy
#48AzurmarillWater / Fairy
#49SurskitBug / Water
#50MasquerainBug / Flying
#53WooperPoison / Ground
#54ClodsirePoison / Ground
#58DrednawWater / Rock
#59IgglybuffNormal / Fairy
#60JigglypuffNormal / Fairy
Vivillon Pokemon
Vivillon is entry #37 in the Paldean Pokedex.

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61-90 Pokedex Pokemon in Scarlet & Violet

Pokedex #SpritePokemon NamePokemon Type
#61WigglytuffNormal / Fairy
#62RaltsPsychic / Fairy
#63KirliaPsychic / Fairy
#64GardevoirPsychic / Fairy
#65GalladePsychic / Fighting
#68GastlyGhost / Poison
#69HaunterGhost / Poison
#70GengarGhost / Poison
#84SmolivGrass / Normal
#85DollivGrass / Normal
#86ArbolivaGrass / Normal
Smoliv, a Paldean Pokedex in Scarlet & VioletPokemon
Smoliv is entry #84 in the Paldean Pokedex.

91-120 Pokedex Pokemon in Scarlet & Violet

Pokedex #SpritePokemon NamePokemon Type
#92CarkolRock / Fire
#93CoalossalRock / Fire
#97StarlyNormal / Flying
#98StaraviaNormal / Flying
#99StaraptorNormal / Flying
#100OricorioFire / Flying
#107BreloomGrass / Fight
#108ApplinGrass / Dragon
#109FlappleGrass / Dragon
#110AppletunGrass / Dragon
#112Grumpig Psychic
#113SquawkabillyNormal / Flying
#119CrabominableFighting / Ice
#120SalanditPoison / Fire
Lilligant, a Pokemon in Scarlet & Violet Pokedex
Lilligant is entry #105 in the Paldean Pokedex.

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121-150 Pokedex Pokemon in Scarlet & Violet

Pokedex #SpritePokemon NamePokemon Type
#121SalazzlePoison / Fire
#126GibleDragon / Ground
#127GabiteDragon / Ground
#128GarchompDragon / Ground
#132WingullWater / Flying
#133PelipperWater / Flying
#135GyaradosWater / Flying
#143DrifloonGhost / Flying
#144DrifblimGhost / Flying
Donphan and Phanpy in Scarlet & Violet
Donphan is entry #123 in the Paldean Pokedex.

151-180 Pokedex Pokemon in Scarlet & Violet

Pokedex #SpritePokemon NamePokemon Type
#151NumelFire / Ground
#152CameruptFire / Ground
#153BronzorSteel / Psychic
#154BronzongSteel / Psychic
#160AnnihilapeFighting / Ghost
#161MedititeFighting / Psychic
#162MedichamFighting / Psychic
#164LucarioFighting / Steel
#166ArmarougeFire / Psychic
#167CeruledgeFire / Ghost
#168BarboachWater / Ground
#169WhiscashWater / Ground
#175CroagunkPoison / Fighting
#176ToxicroakPoison / Fighting
#177WattrelElectric / Flying
#178KilowattrelElectric / Flying
Bellibolt in Scarlet & Violet, a Paldean Pokedex entry
Bellibolt is entry #171 in the Paldean Pokedex.

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181-210 Pokedex Pokemon in Scarlet & Violet

Pokedex #SpritePokemon NamePokemon Type
#190DeerlingNormal / Grass
#191SawsbuckNormal / Grass
#192GirafarigNormal / Psychic
#193FarigirafNormal / Psychic
#198ToxelElectric / Poison
#199ToxtricityElectric / Poison
#200DedenneElectric / Fairy
#202ShroodlePoison / Normal
#203GrafaiaiPoison / Normal
#205FoongusGrass / Poison
#206AmoongussGrass / Poison
#209MagnemiteElectric / Steel
#210MagnetonElectric / Steel
Sylveon Pokemon
Sylveon is entry #187 and is a Fairy-type.

212-240 Pokedex Pokemon in Scarlet & Violet

Pokedex #SpritePokemon NamePokemon Type
#211MagnezoneElectric / Steel
#219SwabluNormal / Flying
#220AltariaDragon / Flying
#225PyroarFire / Normal
#226StunkyPoison / Dark
#227SkuntankPoison / Dark
#230SneaselDark / Ice
#231WeavileDark / Ice
#232MurkrowDark / Flying
#233HonchkrowDark / Flying
#239MimikyuGhost / Fairy
#240KlefkiSteel / Fairy
Gothorita, a Pokemon in the Paldean Pokedex
Gothorita, a Psychic-type, is entry #235 in Scarlet & Violet’s Pokedex.

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241- 270 Pokedex Pokemon in Scarlet & Violet

Pokedex #SpritePokemon NamePokemon Type
#241IndeedeePsychic / Normal
#242BramblinGrass / Ghost
#243BrambleghastGrass / Ghost
#244ToedscoolGround / Grass
#245ToedscruelGround / Grass
#246TropiusGrass / Flying
#251ScovillainGrass / Fire
#253CacturneGrass / Dark
#255RabscaBug / Psychic
#256VenonatBug / Poison
#257VenomothBug / Poison
#259ForretressBug / Steel
#260ScytherBug / Flying
#261ScizorBug / Steel
#262HeracrossBug / Fighting
#267SandileGround / Dark
#268KrokorokGround / Dark
#269KrookodileGround / Dark
Venonat in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Dual Bug/Poison-type Venonat is entry #256 in the Scarlet & Violet Pokedex.

271-300 Pokedex Pokemon in Scarlet & Violet

Pokedex #SpritePokemon NamePokemon Type
#274LarvestaBug / Fire
#275VolcaronaBug / Fire
#278SalamenceDragon / Flying
#279TinkatinkFairy / Steel
#280TinkatuffFairy / Steel
#281TinkatonFairy / Steel
#284HatterenePsychic / Fairy
#285ImpidimpDark / Fairy
#286MorgremDark / Fairy
#287GrimmsnarlDark / Fairy
#290BombirdierFlying / Dark
#293VaroomSteel / Poison
#294RevavroomSteel / Poison
#295CyclizarDragon / Normal
#297SableyeDark / Ghost
Tinkatuff in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Tinkatuff is a dual Steel/Fairy-type Pokemon, and is entry #280 in the Paldea Pokedex.

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301-330 Pokedex Pokemon in Scarlet & Violet

Pokedex #SpritePokemon NamePokemon Type
#301HawluchaFighting / Flying
#302SpiritombGhost / Dark
#303NoibatFlying / Dragon
#304NoivernFlying / Dragon
#305DreepyDragon / Ghost
#306DrakloakDragon / Ghost
#307DragapultDragon / Ghost
#308GlimmetRock / Poison
#309GlimmoraRock / Poison
#310RotomElectric / Ghost
#313OranguruNormal / Psychic
#316LarvitarRock / Ground
#317PupitarRock / Ground
#318TyranitarRock / Dark
#322SandygastGhost / Ground
#323PalossandGhost / Ground
#324SlowpokeWater / Psychic
#325SlowbroWater / Psychic
#326SlowkingWater / Psychic
#328GastrodonWater / Ground
#330CloysterWater / Ice
Slowpoke on a beach
Slowpoke is entry #324 in Scarlet & Violet’s Pokedex.

331-360 Pokedex Pokemon in Scarlet & Violet

Pokedex #SpritePokemon NamePokemon Type
#331QwilfishWater / Poison
#335BruxishWater / Psychic
#337SkrelpPoison / Water
#338DragalgePoison / Dragon
#344MareaniePoison / Water
#345ToxapexPoison / Water
#346FlamigoFlying / Fighting
#349DragoniteDragon / Flying
#350SnomIce / Bug
#351FrosmothIce / Bug
#352Snover Grass / Ice
#353AbomasnowGrass / Ice
#354DelibirdIce / Flying
#359FroslassIce / Ghost
Pawniward, a Pokemon in Scarlet & Violet's Paldean Pokedex
Pawniard, entry #367 in the Pokedex, is a dual Dark/Steel-type Pokemon.

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361-390 Pokedex Pokemon in Scarlet & Violet

Pokedex #SpritePokemon NamePokemon Type
#365RuffletNormal / Flying
#366BraviaryNormal / Flying
#367PawniardDark / Steel
#368BisharpDark / Steel
#369KingambitDark / Steel
#370DeinoDark / Dragon
#371ZweilousDark / Dragon
#372HydregionDark / Dragon
#373VeluzaWater / Psychic
#375TatsugiriDragon / Water
#376Great TuskGround / Fighting
#377Scream TailFairy / Psychic
#378Brute BonnetGrass / Dark
#379Flutter ManeGhost / Fairy
#380Slither WingBug / Fighting
#381Sandy Shocks in Pokemon ScarletSandy ShocksElectric / Ground
#382Iron Treads Paradox PokemonIron TreadsGround / Steel
#383Iron Bundle Paradox pokemonIron BundleIce / Water
#384Iron HandsIron HandsFighting / Electric
#385Iron JugulisDark / Flying
#386Iron MothFire / Poison
#387Iron ThornsRock / Electric
#388FrigbaxDragon / Ice
#389ArctibaxDragon / Ice
#390BaxcaliburDragon / Ice
Gimmighoul, one of the Scarlet & Violet Pokedex entries
Gimmighoul is entry #391 in Paldea’s Pokedex.

391-400 Pokedex Pokemon in Scarlet & Violet

Pokedex #SpritePokemon NamePokemon Type
#392GholdengoSteel / Ghost
#393Wo-ChienDark / Grass
#394Chien-PaoDark / Ice
#395Ting-LuDark / Ground
#396Chi-YuDark / Fire
#397Roaring MoonDragon / Dark
#398Iron ValiantFairy / Fighting
#399KoraidonFighting / Dragon
#400MiraidonElectric / Fighting

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While there are many Pokemon that aren’t currently going to make an appearance in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, it seems that a good number of previous species will be making the cut with the special Tera Raid Battles and once both parts of the DLC called The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero come out.

So, there you have it — that’s everything you need to know about Pokemon Scarlet & Violet’s Pokedex so far.

For more Scarlet & Violet guides, be sure to check out the following pages for all the latest:

All Pokemon Home exclusives in Scarlet & Violet | Rarest Pokemon in Scarlet & Violet | When is Pokemon Home coming to Scarlet & Violet? | Best Pokemon in Scarlet & Violet | Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Mystery Gift codes | How to farm EXP & level up fast in Scarlet & Violet | How to find Shiny Pokemon in Scarlet & Violet | How to unlock 5 & 6-star Tera Raids | Best Shiny sandwich recipes in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet