Rainbow Six Operation Vector Glare details: Sens release, Close Quarter map, Shooting Range

Andrew Amos
Rainbow Six Operation Vector Glare keyart with Sens gadget teaser

Rainbow Six Year 7 is raging on with Season 2, named Operation Vector Glare, on the horizon. Here’s what we know about the new Belgian Operator Sens, the upcoming map, and more.

Operation Demon Veil kicked off Rainbow Six Year 7 in style with Azami, the Emerald Plains map, and tons of cool changes. However, the show will roll on in Season 2 with a new batch of content ⁠— named Operation Vector Glare.

The usual affair of a new Operator, Battle Pass, and cosmetics are expected. However, there will be a second new map in back-to-back seasons to keep the battlefields fresh, as well as quality of life changes promised in the roadmap.

Here’s what we know has been revealed about Rainbow Six’s Operation Vector Glare, including when the Year 7 Season 2 update will drop.

Sens holding gun in Rainbow Six Siege
Check out what’s coming in Operation Vector Glare.


New Operator: Sens

New season, new Operator for Rainbow Six Siege. In Operation Vector Glare, it’s Sens hailing from Belgium joining the roster.

With their R.O.U. Projector System cutting off lines of sight, they’re a handy addition for those looking for a safer entry to site. Plus they also boast a new assault rifle in the POF-9, which has a large magazine to spray through their wall with.

Find out all you need to know about Sens here.

Sens in Rainbow Six anime cinematic
Sens is Rainbow Six’s first non-binary Operator.

New map coming in Operation Vector Glare: Close Quarter

Following on from Emerald Plains’ addition in Operation Demon Veil, a second new map in as many seasons is coming in Operation Vector Glare called Close Quarter.

The map is the first to be developed specifically with Team Deathmatch in mind as even though the TDM variation is enjoyable, spawns can sometimes be quite erratic.

Ubisoft has said that the map will be a “completely different experience” from what players are used to.

“It’s a brand new map designed for TDM and not for plant bomb, so you’re going to get a different feel, looser angles,” senior level designer Jeremy Dowsett said.

“[It’ll be] much faster, chaotic gameplay, and you’re definitely not going to have the defensive setups. It’s designed so you’re not going to be safe… people are going to hunt you down.”

Close Quarters piano room in Rainbow Six Siege
The Close Quarter TDM map has similar vibes to the Stadium maps in Siege.

Shooting Range mode finally added to Siege

With Team Deathmatch now on live servers, Ubisoft is keeping the new modes flowing with yet another long-awaited addition: the Shooting Range.

For now it’s a simple gallery where players can change Operators, try out new guns, and get a better feel for recoil and damage before they jump into game.

“The Shooting Range is a great tool to learn the specifics and characteristics of each weapon, the different attachments, and the different situations that they perform best in,” assistant game director Christopher Budgen said.

“The goal of the Shooting Range is ultimately to give players a tool where they can learn about the weapons found within Siege.”

There is room for the Shooting Range to expand, which Ubisoft plans on utilizing with various activities to keep things fresh.

Shooting Range target in Rainbow Six Siege
The Shooting Range should provide a better onboarding experience for new Siege players.

LMG nerfs delayed as operators get third secondary weapons

As far as balance changes go, Operation Vector Glare doesn’t have too many. Nine operators will be getting third secondary weapon choices to add a bit more diversity in playstyle, and Glaz is getting a speed buff.

The bigger news is what’s missing from the patch notes — the LMG and Finka nerfs. Despite community calls for changes to both, Ubisoft are delaying fixes for one more season to get things exactly right.

Check out the full rundown of the Rainbow Six Operation Vector Glare patch notes here.

Finka staring down in Rainbow Six
Finka nerfs will have to wait for after Operation Vector Glare.

Rainbow Six Operation Vector Glare release date

Rainbow Six Operation Vector Glare is finally ready to hit live servers on June 14, 2022.

The update was meant to arrive on June 7, 2022, but was delayed after Ubisoft uncovered a “player experience issue” in final testing.