Rainbow Six Road To SI 2021 event details: Stadium map, battle pass, more

Andrew Amos

The Rainbow Six Invitational is right around the corner, and that means the Road To S.I. 2021 in-game event is on. Stadium has returned, and the biggest battle pass in Siege history is up for grabs. Here’s what you need to know.

20 teams are set to descend on Europe in early February at the Six Invitational to determine who the best Siege squad on the planet is.

To celebrate, Ubisoft has brought back the Road To S.I. in-game event for 2021. Old favorite Stadium has returned with a twist in the latest limited-time game mode, while the latest battle pass is the biggest in Siege’s history. Here’s what you need to know.

New-look Stadium map returns in 2021

After debuting at the Road To S.I. 2020 event, the Stadium map is back in Rainbow Six. You can play the map in the new Road To S.I. 2021 queue.

The battleground has been renovated to emulate a couple of different maps. The layout is reminiscent of Coastline and Border with a couple of changes ⁠— most notably, the bulletproof glass has returned.

You are able to play as any Operator in the game mode, so if you have wanted to perhaps try out Aruni since her release in Operation Neon Dawn, you can do so in the Road To S.I. game mode.

Stadium 2021 in Rainbow Six Siege
The new Stadium features a mix of Coastline and Border.

Rainbow Six Invitational 2021 battle pass the biggest yet

The Rainbow Six Invitational 2021 battle pass has been out for a few weeks already, so you’ll want to start ramping up your grind with the event truly kicking off now.

With 100 tiers and 135 rewards, there’s plenty of reasons to jump in. It’ll only set you back 1200 R6 Credits ⁠— and even less if you have a Rainbow Six Year 5 pass. Plus, you get extra XP for playing the limited-time Road To S.I. 2021 game mode.

You can find out more details, including exactly what outfits, weapon skins, and more you can get right here.

Rainbow Six Invitational 2021 battle pass
The Six Invitational 2021 battle pass is chock-full of new content.

When does the Road To S.I. 2021 event end?

The Road to S.I. event kicks off on January 21, and will run until February 22. After that date, Stadium will be leaving us once again, and the battle pass will expire ahead of Year 6 Season 1.