Below Deck Med viewers defend Jessika Asai for on-screen Season 8 portrayal

Je'Kayla Crawford
Below Deck Med's Jessika Asai

Viewers are trying to change the narrative by explaining who Below Deck Med’s Jessika Asai from Season 8 really is.

Despite being one of the newcomers on the yacht, Jessika Asai has not seemed to make the best impression with some of the other crew members.

For starters, she got into a pretty tense argument with Kyle Viljoen after she snitched to Tumi Mhlongo about how he commented on her lack of experience.

Then, she ended up butting heads with Nat Scudder after she ended up forming a romantic relationship with Luka Brunton, the guy Nat wanted since the beginning of the season. Nat ended up quitting soon after.

But, what really caused viewers to raise their eyebrows at her was when she accepted Kyle’s apology for screaming at her. Concerned by how quickly she forgave someone for yelling in her face, people are starting to assume that she wasn’t cut out for this job and is maybe too naive.

Jessika from Below Deck Mediterranean

Do Below Deck Med fans like Jessika Asai?

On November 24, people took to the Below Deck Reddit to discuss Jessika’s personality, and nearly everyone stood up for her.

One fan wrote, “I don’t think she’s stupid but I think she’s never worked in a toxic environment before. Which is a good thing!! And the only reason I say that was because she seemed to quick to trust everyone.”

Another fan chimed in and wrote, “She’s not dumb, she’s nonconfrontational and wants to avoid drama! I admire her for being able to keep her cool.”

The season is not over yet so there is still time for Jessika to stand up for herself and show the world she means business.

To stay updated on Below Deck Med and the upcoming seasons, make sure to check our page here.