Below Deck stars unfollow each other on Instagram leading to feud speculation

Erica Handel
Barbie and Kyle Below Deck Season 11

Barbie Pascual and Kyle Stillie from Below Deck Season 11 unfollowed each other on Instagram, which could mean that the crew members are feuding.

Stew Barbie Pascual and deckhand Kyle Stillie were friends on Below Deck Season 11, but after they decided to sleep together in the upcoming April 29 episode, she gave him the cold shoulder.

Barbie was worried that her father wouldn’t approve of her being with Kyle because he wasn’t the typical guy she would normally date, and prefers her to be with men who are Jewish.

In an Instagram post, a Below Deck fan account noticed that Barbie and Kyle had unfollowed each other and wondered if the crew members were feuding.

“Obviously we have a long way to go this season, and their relationship has now changed given what happened last episode. I have loved their chemistry so far this season but obviously we only get the TV version,” the fan wrote.

Barbie and Kyle Instagram Below Deck

Viewers supported Barbie in the comments of the post and speculated that the feud could be about Barbie’s pressure to meet her family’s expectations of who they believe is a good partner for her.

“I understand what Barbie said about her father and expectations and Judaism. It’s ingrained in our upbringing. Not knowing all the details makes the context choppy but she has a moral compass,” one fan commented.

“It was really sad actually the way she was talking about him and how her dad wouldn’t approve. Maybe his family wouldn’t approve of her,” another fan agreed.

Although Below Deck fans don’t know the reason why Barbie and Kyle unfollowed each other, it’s clear that they come from different backgrounds, which could affect how they approach relationships.

Barbie has two loving and supportive parents, whereas Kyle’s dad left him when he was younger, and was raised by a single mom.

When the Below Deck Season 11 reunion airs, the crew members will be able to talk about their feelings and hopefully come to a resolution.

Below Deck airs Mondays at 9:00 p.m. ET on Bravo.