Love is Blind fans blast Milton for making fun of Lydia’s English

Simone Torn

Milton and Lydia from Season 5 of Love is Blind may be in love, but some fans are put off by his mocking of her speaking skills.

Fans of Love is Blind have called out Milton for criticizing his fiance Lydia’s English language skills.

After the couple met for the first time outside the pods, many viewers couldn’t help but notice the way he repeatedly made fun of her English.

English isn’t Lydia’s first language, with Spanish instead being her native tongue. Yet despite fans believing her bilingual skills should be celebrated, they pinpointed how Milton continuously laughed at his fiance’s efforts to speak his language.

As a result, Love is Blind audiences banded together to call Milton out on it.

Love is Blind viewers criticize Milton for making rude remarks about Lydia’s English

Milton from Season 5 of Love is Blind has become quite the divisive figure amongst dedicated fans of the show. While some fans are under the impression that Milton is the “most mature” of the bunch, despite the fact that he’s the youngest contestant, others think his behavior has exposed just how immature he is.

According to many viewers, the most evident sign that Milton lacks maturity comes from the way he treats Lydia. Some have accused the 24-year-old of “negging,” in which he insults Lydia in order to lower her self-esteem, thus making her less likely to leave him.

“Lydia’s not my fave, but Milton acting like her English is trash is annoying,” one fan of the show wrote on Twitter. “She’s bilingual with an accent. The woman doesn’t need flashcards or a tutor.”

Of course, the tweet was referring to the moment Milton met Lydia outside the pods when he insisted she work on her English skills by using flashcards.

Alternatively, though, some fans simply felt like Milton’s remarks were just a form of affectionate teasing and that Lydia seemed to enjoy the banter.

“Neither one of them is sensitive, and she seems to truly enjoy their banter,” said a fan on the Love is Blind Subreddit. “Not everyone has the same triggers, so I wouldn’t make a thing about something that’s not even a thing.”

Stay tuned for more episodes of Love is Blind to see if Lydia and Milton can make their relationship work in the long run.