Red Dead Online: December 6 update includes major economy changes – Full update notes

Bill Cooney

Rockstar games have announced several balance changes to Red Dead Online after the first full week of the beta, including increased payments for missions, reduced weapon prices and more.

Read Dead Online went live last week and players wasted no time in descending into complete and total anarchy, one Twitch streamer even got lassoed and drug behind a horse by the first player they met.

Since then, players have been coming up with ways to deal with griefers, like hogtying them with some explosives and while the updates don’t address PvP issues, it does make it easier to get some dynamite.

The changes are aimed at “creating a more balanced, fun and rewarding overall experience, across all modes and missions,” according to Rockstar.

They include an increase in payments for free roam missions and events, Showdown Series and more. Prices for weapons purchased from the catalog or from a gunsmith have been reduced, players who already purchased some of these weapons will have the difference credited to their accounts.

The full list of updates is as follows:

– Increasing the cash and gold payments across a number of different activities including Free Roam Missions, Free Roam Events, replays of A Land of Opportunities Missions, Showdown Series modes and more.

– Reducing the prices of most weapons in the Wheeler, Rawson & Co Catalogue and Gunsmiths. For players that have already purchased weapons at the previous prices, we will automatically deposit the difference to player balances starting today – please look for an alert message the next time you log in to the Red Dead Online Beta to notify you of this change, refunds may take up until December 10th to reach all players.

– Balancing the values of select pelts, skins and fish as well as horse reviver and pamphlets.


While players still might have to encounter outlaws who just want to watch the world burn, at least weapons to deal with them will be a little more affordable.