Rogue Company devs reveal leaver penalties coming next update

Bill Cooney

Developers from Hi-Rez Studios will finally be implementing penalties for players who leave during Rogue Company matches in the next update, hopefully taking care of one of the game’s biggest issues so far.

The new cross-platform fps is currently still in beta, but one of the biggest problems players have faced is teammates leaving or timing out during matches.

Of course, if you’re on the other team, it’s basically a free win – but even then it still takes some of the fun out of things when you’re only beating up on three people instead of asserting your dominance over a full squad.

Relief seems to be on the horizon though, as Rogue Company’s lead designer Scott Lussier announced via Twitter that penalties for deserters and leavers would be coming in the next update.

Lussier said that one of the biggest pieces of feedback devs have received already has been about leavers and AFK players, but he assured us that devs were working “as fast as humanly possible” to get the new system in place.

“The deserter penalty will penalize players who quit out of matches prematurely, and go AFK,” the dev explained. “When this system goes live we will be monitoring it very closely to ensure that it’s meeting our expectations, and that there’s no emerging issues.”

“For the record,” Lussier continued, “I’m morally against quitters. If you’re willing to quit out of a multiplayer PvP game, what else are you going to quit at?”

Ronin from Rogue Company
It remains to be seen what exactly the new “deserter penalties” will be.

While it’s clear how passionate the devs are about fixing Rogue Company’s leaver issue, but it’s currently unknown when we’ll see them arrive.

We do know how it will work though – the system will prevent players who have timed out of matches from queuing again for a set amount of time, starting with 10 minutes for the first offense. This increases based on the number of penalties all the way up to the fourth strike, which will cause a 24-hour lockout from the queue.

We do know there was supposed to be an update on August 11 that would have included the new system, but it doesn’t seem to have happened just yet. Follow us on Twitter @RogueCoUpdates to get the drop on when the patch does come out, and all the latest Rogue Company news, leaks, and info as well.