Smash Ultimate amiibo theory reveals possible release for DLC fighter 9

Michael Gwilliam
Smash Ultimate DLC pack 9

While Sephiroth was just recently added to the Super Smash Bros Ultimate roster, the release date for DLC fighter 9 may already be known, thanks to the yet-to-be-debunked amiibo theory.

Smash Ultimate fans are some of the most observant in gaming and whenever a trend emerges, they’re normally quick to spot it. One trend with DLC fighter releases shows that they are often accompanied by new waves of amiibo.

The concept of “amiibo theory” is very simple and it has never been proven wrong.; in the past, amiibo releases have always been accompanied by a DLC fighter within the next two weeks. Back in August, Twitter user APC_Cipher showcased how amiibo have dropped around the same time as six of the then seven DLC fighters.

When Pirahna Plant came out, the second set of amiibo hit shelves eleven days later. The third wave came out five days before Joker was available, followed by eleven days in between Hero and wave 4.

Sixteen days after Banjo was downloadable, the fifth set dropped. Next, for Terry Bogard, amiibo wave #6 was two days after his release in Japan and nine for Europe/North America. With Byleth, amiibo wave seven was 11 days before she came out. Finally, with Minecraft Steve, there were nine days between his release and the next wave.

The two exceptions to this theory are Min Min, who had no amiibo released when she came out, and Final Fantasy 7’s Sephiroth.


That said, however, the fact remains that whenever an amiibo wave releases, there has yet to be a time where a new fighter did not accompany them. This now brings us to DLC fighter nine and the next amiibos.

Wave #9, which consists of Terry, Byleth, and Banjo is scheduled for March 26, 2021. If history once again repeats itself, this means we could be getting the next DLC fighter around this time, either in March or early April.

Sephiroth in Smash Ultimate
Min Min and Sephiroth were released without an amiibo wave, but there has never been a new amiibo drop without a DLC fighter accompanying it.

A March release may end up working out well for Nintendo as they could potentially announce the final two characters in Fighters Pass Volume 2 at E3.

Fighters Pass Volume 2 is still on track to conclude as late as December 2021, so expect to see three more characters released next year. It’s still unclear who exactly the next fighter will be, but it will be very difficult to top either Sephiroth or Steve as both announcements were extremely well-received.