Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 players name Kraven the “best part of the game”

Brianna Reeves
spider-man 2 kraven

Kraven is already being labeled the “best part” of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, with some even thinking he’s as good as Doc Ock.

(Spoilers follow for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.)

The first teaser for Spider-Man 2 hinted that Kraven the Hunter would play a big role in the Insomniac sequel. Notably, the game’s opening segments make it clear that Kraven arrives in New York with one goal: finding the perfect adversary for his “Great Hunt.”

Spider-Man’s rogues gallery understandably seems the best bet. In playing further, players learn the legendary hunter wants to battle someone worthy of taking his life. He figures going out in a blaze of glory is better than succumbing to the terminal cancer with which he’s been diagnosed.

As a result, players battle Kraven and his hunters multiple times throughout the campaign. Apparently, these encounters are enough to secure him a place as one of the best villains in the series, thus far.

Kraven is the “best part” of Spider-Man 2, according to fans

A GigaChad meme revolving around Kraven is making the rounds on the Spider-Man PS4 subreddit. The meme replaces the GigaChad face with Kraven’s and highlights all of the villain’s accomplishments – causing a sandstorm, owning a pet tiger, killing Spider-Man, etc.

Such talk inevitably morphed into discourse about Insomniac’s acclaimed portrayal of the rogue. Interestingly, many fans had high praise for Kraven, even preferring his arc over the Venom storyline. “Kraven was the best part of the game. What a f***ing legend,” one person wrote. “Best villain in the series behind Otto imo,” the original poster later commented.

Added someone else, “I liked him more than Venom, he had me hooked whenever he was on screen.” A similar comment reads, “He was easily better than Venom. The whole hunter tribe was fascinating and hearing Kraven’s hunters talk about him during the stealth missions was so cool.”

That Kraven’s Spider-Man 2 boss battles were fun and challenging holds a lot of sway with players, too. “I was so scared to fight him lol. Every scene leading up to face him he was just scarier and scarier…,” wrote a Redditor, to which another fan responded, saying, “And when you finally fight him, his boss fight is actually fairly hard…”

While Kraven got his worthy end against Venom, Spider-Man faithful have high hopes that another cunning tactician will give Spidey and Co. a run for their money. After all, a teaser image on Kraven’s tablet suggests a certain assassin is lurking around Insomniac’s Marvel universe.