Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 update 1.001.004 patch notes: Miles Galvanize fix, suit improvement, more

Noelle Corbett
Miles Morales in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

The latest patch for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is here, and it addresses various issues players have encountered.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2‘s new patch, Version 1.001.004, makes a variety of fixes and improvements to make the overall gameplay experience smoother.

While it doesn’t make any huge changes, such as implementing fan-requested features from previous titles or fixing a major mix-up like the flag in the Morales home, the update does address some bugs players have reported.

Here’s everything Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Version 1.001.004 changes.

What’s changed in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Version 1.001.004 patch notes

Similar to the previous patch, Verison 1.001.004 implements some smaller changes and fixes to Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.

Most pertain to issues players could face during certain missions and boss fights, such as the final part of the Marko’s Memories side-quest or during Miles Morales’ Galvanize tutorial.

It also provides more fixes to the issue of character models not loading properly, seeming to quash any remaining “Spider-cube” bugs.

Finally, the update fixes Peter’s Upgraded Classic suit, which previously had duplicate eye details.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Version 1.001.004 patch notes

Spider-Man 2 Sequel Spider-Man 3

Insomniac’s patch notes can be found here.

General Fixes & Polish:

  • Addressed an issue where players could become stuck during the finale of Marko’s Memories
  • Addressed an issue where a boss could become stuck in geometry
  • Addressed multiple issues where the player could become stuck during the Galvanize tutorial
  • Addressed an issue where players with shortcuts enabled could become stuck in a puzzle during the New Threads mission
  • Addressed an issue where the Charge Jump would break when assigned to a shortcut
  • Addressed an issue where the Upgraded Classic suit had duplicate eye details
  • Further addressed issues where models would not load properly after long play sessions
  • Improved stability 

That’s all you need to know about Version 1.001.004! Be sure to check out the rest of our Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 coverage, including the guides below:

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2: All suits for Peter Parker & Miles Morales | Spider-Man 2 Photo Mode | Main Story missions list | Can you play as Venom? | How to unlock Webbed Suits | Spider-Man 2 All Marko’s Memories | Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 editions | Spider-Man 2 trophies & achievements | All Accessibility settings | Increase health & damage | Spider-Man 2 Photo Ops locations | Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 map