How Faker and Paladin Amber made dreams reality in esports & streaming

Jacob Hale
faker and paladin amber working with Razer

Being at the top of your game isn’t something that happens by chance, and that couldn’t ring more true than in the world of esports, gaming, and content. Be it a championship trophy, an insane performance, or a viral clip, Razer is helping players and creators win it their way.

We spoke with League of Legends icon Lee ‘Faker’ Sang-hyeok and content creator Amber ‘PaladinAmber’ Wadham to find out how they reached the pinnacle of their field, and how Razer helped them get there.


faker razer quote
Faker is one of the biggest names in global esports.

When someone says esports, one of the first names you should think of is Faker. He’s the face of League of Legends, a celebrity beyond what anybody could have imagined, and a three-time world champion. The best bit? He doesn’t expect to call it quits any time soon.

“I think I can be a professional gamer for a long time because of my desire to win,” he told Dexerto. “I’ve liked games since I was young, and I think I always tried hard because I have a strong desire to win no matter what I play.”

Fortunately for Faker, he always had the right support around him, too: “Everyone around me rooted for my professional gamer life, my friends said it was amazing and my family cheered for me.”

With LoL Worlds 2022 right around the corner, Faker says conditioning is his one key focus ahead of the biggest tournament in esports.

Paladin Amber

Paladin Amber Razer quote
Paladin Amber has become a huge name in the world of livestreaming

Paladin Amber is one of Twitch’s best success stories, with the Australian flourishing into her own on the platform. She got her start knuckling down in Rainbow Six Siege, but diversified into more of a variety streamer.

Having taken both approaches, she told Dexerto there’s no one way to success on the platform: “I think it’s entirely up to the streamer, to be honest, having a core game is a great way for an audience to know what to expect and allows you to make more of a community based off a similar interested but variety opens you up to a whole range of games and individuals.”

However there’s one big thing she needed on that journey, and that was her family by her side. While they were confused at the start – without being negative – they have slowly learned what this new age style of entertainment is all about.

“It was more curiosities about what I was actually doing and never really from a negative place. Now they definitely have a better understanding of what I do and what the industry is about. They love it and most of my family is just excited to hear about what I’m doing next.”

Getting to the top isn’t all luck. For Paladin Amber it took “hard work and creativity” on top of that. Now with a thriving content group around her though, she has plenty of thanks for the community she’s fostered along the way: “If it wasn’t for their support and their belief in me I wouldn’t be where I am today.”

With the breadth of product Razer has to offer, from the highest level competitive esports peripherals to lifestyle-focused products, it makes sense for the brand to align itself with ambassadors that speak to these various audiences. From Paladin Amber to Faker, they see talent at the top of their game, regardless of what specific game they’re playing — proving that with the support of Razer, you can truly win it your way.