Female pro golfer stunned after guy “mansplains” golf swing to her

Meera Jacka
Female pro golfer stunned after guy mansplains golf swing to her

A woman has gone viral after having golf “mansplained” to her… despite being a professional in the sport.

Georgia Ball is a professional golfer and coach who has competed in numerous tournaments and knows her way around the sport.

However, that didn’t stop her solitary practice at a driving range from being interrupted when a man decided to offer some unsolicited advice.

With Georgia posting the interaction to her TikTok account, the footage quickly went viral as viewers slammed the man for “mansplaining.”

Georgia was minding her business in the video and practicing a swing change when an off-camera man interrupted her. He said, “Excuse me. What you’re doing there, you shouldn’t be doing that. You should be right through — swing and follow through. You’re doing [it] too slow on the way up and then back.”

Very politely, Georgia attempted to explain that she was slowing down her movements as she was going through a swing change. But the man wasn’t willing to listen.

“No, I know, but what you’re doing there is you’re coming back too slow,” he interrupted. “You know, I’ve been playing golf for 20 years. What you need to do is follow through a lot quicker than what you’re doing there right now.”

When Georgia tried once more to explain that the decrease in speed was intentional due to the swing change, the man interrupted again and instructed her to “Just hit one.” She decided to prove she knew what she was doing, but instead, her unwanted advisor took credit for the impressive swing she demonstrated.

Viewers were enraged by his comments, taking to social media to share their thoughts; “The NERVE of him to take credit for your next drive is infuriating!”

“Imagine being a Female PGA Professional and some guy comes up to you telling you how to swing,” one person wrote on X, sharing the viral encounter. “She’s a better person than I am because no way could I hold in my reaction.”

“The whole point of that interaction was to let you know he played golf for 20 years,” another commented on Georgia’s video. A third theorized, “He doesn’t know what a swing change is.”