How to get Hardwood in Stardew Valley

Samantha Giambra
Stardew valley how to get hardwood guide

In Stardew Valley, certain materials are notably challenging to acquire, Hardwood being one of them. Here, we explore how to obtain this useful resource and how it helps in certain quests.

This sturdy material is essential for crafting various items, enhancing your home, constructing Warp Totems, and upgrading existing structures on your farm in Stardew Valley.

As of right now, there are only a few ways to obtain Hardwood in the game, and each takes a bit of time to unlock. Since hardwood will not come from base trees that spawn in Stardew Valley, you will need to set out and find it on your own.

Here’s everything you need to know about how to get hardwood in Stardew Valley and how to make the most of the few methods of collecting the rare material.

How do you collect Hardwood in Stardew Valley?

There are a few ways to collect hardwood, by either cutting down Large Tree Stumps or finding Large Logs.

You will need a Copper Axe in order to break down Large Tree Stumps on your property to obtain Hardwood. These large tree stumps will be on your property in random places when you first create your farm and will not regrow once chopped down.

There are also Large Logs strewn about on your property that will provide a few pieces of hardwood when chopped down. These can only be broken down with a Steel Axe.

One of the most consistent hardwood farms will take a bit of time to unlock, as you will need to get a quest that brings you to Cindersap Forest. The quest is called Strange Note which can only be found by collecting Secret Note #23.

Once you have unlocked the Cindersap Forest, you will have access to six Large Tree Stumps every day within the Secret Woods that will provide you with quite a few pieces of hardwood per stump.

How to complete the Strange Note Quest in Stardew Valley

The Strange Note quest is activated by locating Secret Note #23, where you will be tasked with bringing a bottle of Maple Syrup to a large bear living within the Secret Woods.

In order to get Maple Syrup, you will need to have a Tapper on a Maple Tree and wait for it to produce. It takes around 9-10 days for Maple Syrup to come from the tapper.

Once you have the Maple Syrup in your inventory, you will need to equip yourself with a Steel Axe, which is an upgraded version of your base Axe. You will head over to the location of the Secret Woods on your map which will have a Large Log in front of the entrance. Use your Steel Axe to chop down the log and enter the forest.

From there, a cut scene will start where you meet a bear who smells the syrup on you. You will hand them the bottle of syrup, and he will then share his knowledge with you. The Bears Knowledge is obtained, which permanently increases the selling price of Blackberries and Salmonberries by 3x.

After you have completed the cut scene, you will have permanent access to Cindersap Forest to collect hardwood every day.

That’s everything you need to know about how to get hardwood in Stardew ValleyRead below for more tips and tricks on the popular farming sim!

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