Stardew Valley Abigail guide: Gifts, hearts events & marriage

Jessica Filby
Abigail in front of the Stardew Loading screen

There are a lot of NPCs you can romance in Stardew Valley and Abigail is one of the most popular, so here’s everything you need to know about how to develop your relationship with her, including the best gifts to give.

There’s a lot for players to do in Stardew Valley, from tending crops and caring for animals on your ideal farm to growing your relationships with your fellow townsfolk, and you can even romance a handful of characters.

There are a lot of characters you can bond with in the game but there are only 12 you can form a romantic connection with, and one of the most popular choices is Abigail, a lovable yet mysterious girl who lives in the town’s general store.

Here’s everything you need to know about deepening your bond with Abigail, including what gifts to give her.


Stardew Valley Abigail gifts guide

Giving a gift to Abigail on her birthday

Gifts are vital in Stardew Valley and giving the right ones can be the difference between gaining hearts and losing them. The best gifts for Abigail in Stardew Valley often require food and giving loved gifts will be the best option if you are trying to increase hearts quickly.

It’s also worth giving her a loved gift on her birthday since this will have an increased effect on your relationship with her. The best, and worst gifts to give Abigail are featured here:

Gifts Abigail loves in Stardew Valley

  • Amethyst
  • Pufferfish
  • Pumpkin
  • Spicy Eel
  • Chocolate Cake
  • Banana Pudding
  • Blackberry Cobbler
  • All Universal Loves

Gifts Abigail likes in Stardew Valley

  • Quartz
  • All Universal Likes (aside from Vegetables)

Gifts Abigail feels neutral towards in Stardew Valley

  • Milk
  • Ginger
  • Magma Cap
  • Purple Mushroom
  • Leek
  • Morel
  • Dandelion
  • Daffodil
  • Chanterelle
  • Common Mushroom
  • Hazelnut
  • Winter Root
  • Snow Yam
  • All Univeral Neutrals

Gifts Abigail hates in Stardew Valley

  • Clay
  • Holly
  • All Universal Hates (aside from Sugar)

Can you marry Abigail in Stardew Valley?

Getting married to Abigail

When it comes to speaking to the likes of Pierre or other NPCs, many will find themselves a little disappointed that they cannot romance certain characters. This often concerns players and forces them to wonder if Abigail is romanceable in Stardew Valley?

The good news is yes, you are able to marry Stardew Valley’s Abigail. It will require getting her to eight hearts and gifting her a bouquet which will unlock the next two hearts. To actually propose to Abigail you’ll need to buy a Mermaid Pendant from the Old Mariner. Then you can marry Abigail.

Abigail’s heart events

Abigail playing her flute in a heart event

One of the best aspects of Stardew Valley are the events. They split up the days of optimizing your farm layout and allow the gift giving to really have an impact on how the story progresses. However, such heart events often require you to be in the right place at the right time. This is why having the right know-how is vital.

Two heart event

To enter an NPCs room you need to have two hearts with them so this cutscene activates after that has been achieved.

Simply head into the General Store in the morning when Stardew Valley’s Abigail is in there to activate this cutscene.

Four heart event

When you get to four hearts head to the Mountain between 12 pm and 7 pm when it’s raining. Snow doesn’t count so avoid doing so in the winter.

Choose your answer wisely as selecting that you are “Enjoying the weather” will give you the most additional friendship.

Six heart event

The six-heart event is a lot easier to find than many others. All you need to do is go into Pelican town between 9 pm and midnight to see Abigail standing in the Graveyard.

Selecting the dialogue option “Yes, and it’s exciting” or “Yes, but only in self-defense” will give you a small plus to your friendship.

Eight heart event

This event will first trigger when you receive a letter from Abigail, hinting at you to meet her in the General Store. Enter the store between 8 pm and 10 pm to get Abigail’s heart event.

Ten heart event

The ten-heart event will only begin once you have given Abigail a Bouguet and before you give her the Mermaid’s Pendant.

You need to be at the Quarry mine or the traditional mine between 5 pm and midnight to trigger the event itself.

Asking her if she is okay will give you the most friendship and following that with “I get scared too” will give you the best bonuses for this event.

Fourteen heart event

The last event available is when you get to 14 hearts with Abigail.

Simply head into the Backwoods between 6 am and 5 pm and you will trigger a lovely event that has no impact on the friendship as a whole but will show just how pure and sweet this relationship really is.

So, there you have it, everything you need to know about Abigail and how to either romance her or make her your best friend. For more content on the game, check out our guides below:

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