Stardew Valley Expanded Claire guide: Gifts, hearts events & marriage

Raissa Jerez
stardew valley claire guide

The Stardew Valley Expanded Mod added new marriable characters to the farming simulator, with Claire being the most particular of the bunch. Because she doesn’t live in Pelican Town, and only visits for work, falling in love with her can be tricky. Here’s the full guide to help you romance and marry Claire in the game.

Stardew Valley offers players a ton of things to do around town. From farming, to fighting weird monsters in caves, and even flirting with NPCs and starting a family.

There are plenty of characters to flirt with, and the new Expanded Mod added even more to the mix. Claire happens to be one of the most intriguing ones, as she’s from out of town, which makes the flirting a bigger challenge for players.

Here’s a complete guide to help you romance and eventually marry Claire in Stardew Valley.


Stardew Valley Claire gifts guide

Gifts are essential in Stardew Valley, and giving them to the right NPC is the key to gaining more hearts and building a relationship. Luckily for players, Claire is not hard to please.

Stardew Valley Claire romance guide

Gifts Claire loves in Stardew Valley

  • Apricot
  • Ocean Stone
  • Green Tea
  • Energy Tonic
  • Sunflower
  • Bruschetta
  • Glazed Butterfish

Gifts Claire likes in Stardew Valley

  • Apple
  • Orange
  • Peach
  • Cherry
  • Pomegranate
  • Coconut
  • Cactus Fruit
  • Coffee
  • Butterfish
  • Tea Leaves
  • Big Bark Burger
  • Roasted Hazelnuts
  • All universal likes (aside from Alcohols, Sunflower, Green Tea, Bruschetta, Apricots, and Pickles).

Gifts Claire feels neutral towards in Stardew Valley

  • Blackberry
  • Wild Plum
  • Crystal Fruit
  • Coral
  • Rainbow Shell
  • Nautilus Shell
  • All universal neutral (aside from Clams, Hops, and Tea Leaves).

Gifts Claire dislikes in Stardew Valley

  • Alcohol
  • Tom Kha Soup
  • Trout Soup
  • Razor Trout
  • Frog Legs
  • Seaweed
  • Green Algae
  • Starfish
  • Minnow
  • Kittyfish
  • Puppyfish
  • Clownfish
  • Spicy Eel
  • Void Eel
  • Void Pebble
  • Void Shard
  • Rusty Blade
  • Wild Horseradish
  • Spicy Berry
  • Salmonberry
  • Pine cone
  • Acorn
  • Holly
  • Maple Seed
  • Hops
  • Elixirs
  • All universal dislikes (aside from Ocean Stone and Crab Pot Fish).

Gifts Claire hates in Stardew Valley

  • Joja Cola
  • Pickles
  • Winter Root
  • Snow Yam
  • Clay
  • Clam
  • Oyster
  • Periwinkle
  • Snail
  • Shrimp
  • Cockle
  • Crab
  • Crayfish
  • Lobster
  • Cookie
  • Grampleton Orange Chicken
  • Void Delight
  • Void Salmon Sushi
  • Frog
  • King Salmon
  • All universal hates (aside from Energy Tonic, Green Algae, and Seaweed).

Claire’s birthday is in Fall (8), so you’ll get extra points if you remember it, and give her a nice gift.

Claire’s schedule in Stardew Valley

Because Claire doesn’t live in the city, you won’t see her wandering around town like the other NPC’s. So, to romance Claire and gift her the proper items in Stardew Valley, you’ll need to follow her work schedule.

Stardew Valley Claire romance guide

JojaMart Schedule

She’ll go to town on: Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays.

  • Arrives in town: 8:00 am
  • Leaves JojaMart: 10:10 pm
  • Bus stop: 12:20 am

During Saturdays the schedule varies a little.

  • Arrives in town: 7:00 am
  • Leaves JojaMart: 12:50 pm
  • Bus stop: 3:00 pm

In case you follow the Community Center course and run Joja out of town, Claire will stop working at the store and will skip town until the movie theatre is built.

Movie Theatre Schedule

She’ll go to town on: Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays.

  • Arrives in town: 6:50 am
  • Leaves the Movie Theatre: 9:30 pm
  • Bus stop: 11:40 pm

During Saturdays the schedule varies a little.

  • Arrives in town: 7:00 am
  • Leaves JojaMart: 12:50 pm
  • Bus stop: 3:00 pm

Tuesday visits

If you get her over six hearts, she’ll start visiting town on Tuesdays too.

Sunny weather:

  • Arrives in town: 10:30 am
  • Aerobics class at Pierre’s: 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
  • Bus stop: 5:40 pm

Rainy weather:

  • Arrives in town: 12:00 pm
  • Aerobics class at Pierre’s: 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
  • Bus stop: 5:40 pm

Claire’s heart events in Stardew Valley

Heart events allow the gift giving moment to have a real impact on how the story progresses, but you need to be in the right place at the right moment. Because Claire’s events depend on the location, we’ve put them all together for you.

Stardew Valley Claire romance guide

One half heart event

To trigger the first cutscene, you just need to enter JojaMart during the summer or spring of year one following Claire’s work schedule.

Two heart event

Visit the Town Saloon between 12:00 pm and 10:00 pm.

Four heart event

Go into town on a sunny day between 11:00 am and 3:00 pm. To do this, you must’ve seen Claire’s two heart event first.

Six heart event

Go into town on a sunny day between 11:00 am and 3:00 pm. For this one, you must’ve seen Claire’s four heart event first.

Eight heart event

Go to Pierre’s between 11:00 am and 5:00 pm. To trigger this, you must’ve been at Claire’s six heart event.

Ten heart events

Enter town between 8:00 am and 2:00 am. It has to be a sunny or rainy day, and you must’ve seen Claire’s eight heart event. Once you’re done with this part, to go the bus stop between 2:00 pm and 6:00 pm.

After you marry Claire, she’ll continue to work at JojaMart or the Movie Theatre, but will take Fridays and rainy days off, and more heart events will be available.

So, there you have it, everything you need to know about Claire and how to romance in Stardew Valley. For more content on the game, check out our guides below:

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