AI has apparently created an ‘unbeatable’ Starfield ship

Rishabh Sabarwal
Starfield Cockpit view

Using the in-game builder, a Starfield player has reportedly used artificial intelligence (AI) to design an unbeatable ship, claiming to be the most unique one available. Fans were particularly amused by this design, despite the fact that there have been a great number of inspired ones in the game. Here’s how they reacted.

When it comes to Starfield, shipbuilding is an artistic endeavor. All sorts of customization options can be applied to a player’s ship thanks to the game’s user-friendly and feature-rich ship-building toolkit.

Players can customize every facet of their ships, from the size and shape to the location of thrusters and weapons. Since the game’s early access release, people have built ships in the game based on their favorite sci-fi and fantasy media, from Star Wars to Futurama.

Your ship’s design should prioritize its durability and combat effectiveness in a dogfight. But one player came up with a brilliant plan to harness AI to build an unbeatable ship, much to the delight of fans.

Here’s what it looks like and how the gaming community responded.

Starfield player uses AI to apparently build an unbeatable ship in the game

A Reddit user named Morfalath has used AI to create an unbeatable ship in Starfield. The only thing they could say about the ship was that it was “the (by AI) unbeatable ship (they shoot through the middle)”.

The ship is modeled as a 3D hollow cube with four turrets pointing in various directions and the cockpit located on one of the corners. The user intends to employ it in combat, allowing enemy fire to travel through the open structure and bewildering any space pirates.

Upon looking at this off-beat design, players started pouring in comments as one such fan said, “confused enemy NPC – I’m firing at center mass captain, I don’t know why the ship isn’t taking any damage?!”.

Another one chimed in, “Docking that ship is like sticking a square peg in a round… you know what I mean.” A third added to the hilarity as they replied, “It corners great because it’s all corners”.

Since the design became popular, Morfalath has also uploaded a video tour of their ship and a simulation of the enormous spacecraft in flight. Although it has a distinctive appearance when in flight, it delivers quite a punch.