Starfield player discovers planet overrun by camouflaged animals

Brianna Reeves
starfield camouflage

A Starfield player randomly discovered a planet that seemed overrun by animals that could camouflage themselves.

A wide range of animal species roam the galaxy in Starfield, including giant insectoids and dinosaur-esque creatures. Players can interact with these creatures in many ways by scanning them, taking up husbandry, and, of course, fighting them when the need arises.

However, some animals manifest natural cloaking abilities that allow them to seamlessly blend into their surroundings. More than a few planets play host to these stealthy critters.

But one Starfield player recently stumbled upon a planet that seems to exclusively house invisible animals.

Starfield has a planet filled with animals using camouflage

Redditor Azuras-Becky said while recently surveying a planet in Starfield, they noticed that every animal appeared to be “cloaked.” The user shared several screenshots proving their point, one of which shows that these creatures possess camouflage abilities.

In response to other Starfield players, the Redditor identified the mystery planet as Newton III, which is located in the Newton System. Strangely, outside of this invisible animal phenomenon, there doesn’t seem to be anything all too special about Newton III.

Other people in the thread said they’ve encountered several animals with camouflage skills during their travels in Starfield’s Settled Systems.

However, few have visited where such creatures were the only ones around. One person commented, “There are defo some like that, don’t think every creature on the planet is meant to have it though lol.”

Someone else said they also found Newton III under these conditions and thought it was a “neat trick.” A similar comment reads, “I’ll be honest I thought it was a bug/glitch at first too but I soon realized that some planets will spawn all ‘cloaked’ critters… Makes sense that if evolution spawned one species on a planet with chameleon abilities, then their natural predators/prey would adapt [in the same way].”

Fortunately, there are ways to easily spot cloaked animals, thanks to weapon mods like the Recon Laser Sight. And the Star Sense power should be of help when on the lookout for stealthy enemies.