Starfield finally gets custom main menu screen, but it’s not what you think

Andrew Highton
starfield player floating in space

A red hot topic of conversation in the gaming community concerns Starfield and its main menu screen. It’s had many people talking, and now Starfield fans have seen what an animated menu screen would look like.

Bethesda’s Starfield is not only one of 2023’s most anticipated games but it’s been hyped for the past several years now. After the long wait, the time has nearly come for patient players to get their hands on the title.

The vast, sprawling RPG will feature hundreds of planets and take players on a sci-fi voyage. Although, instead of talking about the game’s impending release, the discourse has centered around Starfield’s main menu screen. A ton of controversy has been drummed up about it out of nowhere, which the devs have addressed themselves.

Now, thanks to players, we’ve seen a glimpse of what a fully animated main menu screensaver could look like.

starfield main menu

Starfield main menu screen gets fans talking

Reddit user Swim_Acceptable declared to the game’s subreddit: “I animated the main menu of Starfield,” and they weren’t kidding.

Their 1-minute video takes users through a tour of what Bethesda’s sci-fi menu would look like if it moved and was completely dynamic. It features several backgrounds, planets spinning on their axis, flying ships, and more.

It seems that the message board was appreciative of the effort. One user congratulated the design saying “Nice job!” to the OP and another budding Starfield fan jokingly said: “Starring at this with my controller in hand whenever I’m not playing BG3 until [it] launch (launches).”

Some other neat ideas suggested that with a mod installed, “The planet should be based on that which you’re currently on or closest to. Would be awesome” and also “The background could also depend on where your last save point is.”

There are many possibilities if Bethesda does decide to make changes to the menu screen. But Bethesda might be more concerned about the Starfield malware that’s already in the wild.