Starfield pilot done with complex starships builds giant slice of cheese
u/new2gym/StarfieldStarfield has a ton of options for players to customize their starship and get creative with the various customization options. However, one player who didn’t feel like spending hours on a ship decided they’d just make a big ‘ol slice of space cheese.
It didn’t take long for Starfield players to learn the game’s complex ship building systems and channel their creativity into making their ideal starship.
Some prioritize building the absolute best ship they can, while others have taken to remaking classic ships from other sci-fi media. Players have been busy.
However, one player who saw all these creative designs and complex starships decided that, despite being jealous of those who have big, fancy starships, he just wanted to build a giant slice of space cheese.
Disgruntled Starfield pilot builds giant space cheese
While Starfield has a wealth of systems that allow players to build their own spaceships and take them around the galaxy, there’s definitely a learning curve. Being able to create exactly what you want takes a lot of time and practice.
So, one player decided they didn’t want to go through all of that. While they were jealous of other people with their spaceship recreations and top-tier builds that could survive any situation in style, they didn’t want to spend hours putting a ship together.
So, they built a giant slice of space cheese and strapped some rockets to the back of it.
Reddit user new2gym made a simple post, one that showed his giant space wedge, as they called it, but most of the people who saw this post just thought it looked like a slice of cheese.
“Make it yellow and name it the Big Cheese.” one Redditor suggested.
With an abysmal mobility rating of 24 and a snail’s pace top speed of around 130, this ship certainly won’t be breaking any speed records. However, it feels more like the ship was about making a statement.
The beauty of a ship building system like Starfield’s is that players can express themselves however they want. Some spend hours building the best ships they can, and some build a giant space cheese.
And, while this user’s massive space wedge may not be the most complex ship ever built, they’re selling themselves short on creativity considering just how much players loved their build.