Starfield player finds genius way to sell ships with no registration fees

Ethan Dean
starfield discovery

Starfield players who walk a less-than-honorable path are no strangers to the dubious acquisition of ships. Now, thanks to one crafty space-farer, there’s a way to sell them off without those pesky registration fees.

Starfield is a massive game that players can spend a lot of time in but you want to focus on the fun. Explorers of the beyond are always looking for ways to speed up the grind with things like EXP exploits.

Credits are another thing that most denizens of Starfield’s massive galaxy are looking to obtain easily and while there are some convoluted methods to obtain them, some can’t be bothered. That’s where the standard money-making schemes the game provides come in handy.

One of the easiest methods for some quick credits is to ‘find’ and sell disused spacecraft but there’s always a small investment to register those ships before you can sell. Reddit user u/Ixz72 has found a simple exploit that allows you to net 100% profit from every ship sale by avoiding those bothersome fees altogether.

Registration fees for ships in Starfield can cost an average of 85% of the ship’s value with no commerce skills. That’s a massive chunk of potential profit that makes piracy on the blackest sea less appealing.

A simple glitch discovered by u/Ixz72 removes that lack of appeal and they’ve given a step-by-step on how to do it. “After you land with your unregistered ‘new’ ship, go to the ship technician, go to ‘modify ship’ and change your home ship,” they explain.

“Then, still talking with the technician look at the ships he has for sale and then press ‘A’ to sell one of yours.” Once this is done, your unregistered ship should show up on screen as your Home Ship.

The final and most important step is simply pressing the LB and A buttons and releasing them at the same time. “Your unregistered ship will show up on the screen and (the game) will ask you if you want to sell it for the value on the screen,” u/Ixz72 swears.

Starfield Pirate
Did someone say “argh matey”?

u/Ixz72 claims to have sold five ships using this method on Akila and The Key. They were initially uncertain if the glitch would work on PC but users in the comments have confirmed that it does after trying it themselves.

Now you can pirate without penalties and sell these vessels to your heart’s (and wallet’s) content. Just make sure to keep the best ships in Starfield for yourself.