Starfield player has surveyed every possible planet in the game

Brianna Reeves
starfield discovery

After nearly 200 hours of playtime, a Starfield player managed to survey every possible planet in the role-playing game.

Much has been said about the procedurally generated planets in Starfield, of which there are well over 1,000. Not even half of these worlds host lifeforms, yet biome variety and resource-scavenging keep players invested in exploration.

Of course, some users don’t care much for fully exploring the Settled Systems at all. Focusing on the main quest or simply following a few story arcs is enough adventure for a contingent of the player base.

But those who do dedicate their time to scouring every inch of the RPG don’t leave any stones unturned. In fact, one person spent about 200 hours surveying each planet.

Starfield player surveyed all of Starfield’s planets

Redditor DoomZero shared a screenshot showing their Exploration data for Starfield, revealing that they’ve scanned 1,695 planets in total. Of that number, 1,694 were fully surveyed and the user landed on more than 1,400. (Apparently, some planets aren’t registering as surveyed due to a glitch.)

The Redditor later told fellow players that about 180 hours went into their ambitious surveying, though they’ve spent 200 hours playing Starfield in all.

For those who aren’t fond of Starfield’s surveying process, the original poster noted: “There are 5 skills that help reduce the time and effort it takes to fully survey. I think Astrophysics, Zoology, Scanning, Botany, and Surveying all help tremendously. Also, Boost Pack Training with a skip boost pack along with Fitness to improve oxygen use are must-haves as well.”

Several commenters applauded DoomZero’s effort. Others used the opportunity to praise Bethesda, given that the game allows fans to experience it however they see fit. One such reply reads, “That’s what I love about this game, it’s different for everyone. My character hasn’t surveyed shit or built any outposts, he just fights people.”

And, in the future, there could be even more for Starfield explorers to dig their teeth into. Bethesda has already expressed an interest in developing post-launch DLC.