Starfield: Where to purchase weapons & gear early

Tyler Constable
Starfield New Atlantis

In Starfield, being well-equipped with the right gear and weapons is key to survival in the cosmos. This guide highlights where you can find all your essential equipment early in the game.

With the launch of Bethesda’s Starfield, players globally are immersing themselves in interstellar journeys. Confrontations are inevitable, whether during planetary explorations, side quests, or the primary storyline. Having a well-stocked inventory of weapons and gear is vital for survival.

Starfield’s lack of local mini maps, however, can unfortunately make locating shops quite tricky in the game, especially early on when you haven’t got a lay of the land yet but we’ve got you covered. Here’s exactly where you can buy weapons and gear early on in Starfield.

An image of an NPC who sells weapons and gear early in Starfield.
The Well in New Atlantis contains a number of shops.

Where to purchase weapons and gear early in Starfield

The first location in Starfield where you’ll be able to buy a solid amount of gear and stock up on ammo is the city of New Atlantis. This is the first major city you’ll visit in the game and it’s located on the planet Jemison in the Alpha Centauri system, it’s also where Constellation’s main base, The Lodge, can be found.

All the shops in New Atlantis are located in The Well, an underground area that can be accessed by taking the elevator next to the Transit Station in the MAST distract. Once you’ve fast-traveled to MAST using a Transit Car, simply turn right upon arriving and keep walking straight until you reach the elevator.

Below we’ve listed a rundown of all the shops in The Well, and an overview of the type of stock they carry:

  • Medical Bay – aid items including Bandages, and Heal Gel.
  • Kay’s House – food and drink.
  • Apex Electronics – Resources including Digipacks used to unlock doors and safes.
  • The Trade Authority – Weapons, ammo, spacesuits, and resources.
  • U.C. Surplus – weapons, ammo, armor, throwables, and spacesuits.

While the facilities in New Atlantis don’t sell any extraordinary gear, what you can purchase from them will be more than enough to get you through the beginning stages of Starfield.

That’s everything you need to know about where to buy weapons and gear early in Starfield. For more content on the game, check out our guides below:

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