Apex LegendsAll Apex Legends seasons & events start dates, end dates, new content & weaponsCalum Patterson
Apex LegendsApex Legends players baffled by Loba buff that “makes no sense” in Season 23Connor Bennett
Apex Legends“Crazy” Pathfinder nerf in Apex Legends mid-season update sparks backlash from playersConnor Bennett
Apex LegendsApex Legends mid-season update patch notes: Mirage Buff, Ranked tuning, & Peacekeeper buffRyan Lemay
Call of DutyBlack Ops 6 has a skin that is Apex Legends’ Pathfinder and fans are not impressedConnor Bennett
Apex LegendsApex Legends pro HisWattson reveals insider info from devs about why the game is dyingCalum Patterson