Apex LegendsSentinels player defends himself amid ImperialHal criticisms: “Get off my d***”Declan Mclaughlin
Apex LegendsImperialHal explains why he called out friend’s poor performance in ALGS: “It’s my channel”Calum Patterson
Apex LegendsImperialHal believes Apex Legends star is wasting his career on SentinelsDeclan Mclaughlin
Apex LegendsImperialHal claims Horizon hasn’t actually been nerfed despite Harbinger event changesConnor Bennett
Apex LegendsImperialHal wants Apex Legends to copy Fortnite to save competitive and bring viewers backConnor Bennett
Apex LegendsImperialHal and Snip3down clash over Apex Legends devs ignoring pro player feedbackCalum Patterson
Apex LegendsImperialHal wants Apex Legends Ranked to be more punishing to improve matchesConnor Bennett