Apex LegendsImperialHal claims Apex Legends is in one of “dumbest” metas ever right nowConnor Bennett
Apex LegendsImperialHal & other Apex Legend pros want the “unfun” Charge Rifle changedFilip Krawanski
Apex LegendsImperialHal claims Apex Legends would be “unplayable” without Seer’s scan metaConnor Bennett
Apex LegendsImperialHal explains why he doesn’t have high hopes for iiTzTimmy’s Apex Legends squadConnor Bennett
Apex LegendsImperialHal slams “stupid” Apex Legends meta amid frustrations with CatalystConnor Bennett
Apex LegendsImperialHal speechless as broken Wraith Ultimate gets him killed in Apex LegendsAlex Garton
Apex LegendsImperialHal says Apex Legends pros are “overexaggerating” crashes & ALGS shouldn’t postponeConnor Bennett
Apex LegendsImperialHal claps back at Apex Legends pros over ALGS lag issue ‘helping’ TSMConnor Bennett