Apex LegendsMoistCr1TiKaL “infuriated” as US visa issues force him to drop top Apex Legends rosterDeclan Mclaughlin
Apex LegendsMoist Apex team denied US visas and forced to play pro league from CanadaDeclan Mclaughlin
ValorantSentinels Valorant team to play off-season showmatch against NA Challengers sideDeclan Mclaughlin
ValorantLudwig’s Valorant team to play monthly showmatches “against the dopest teams”Declan Mclaughlin
Valorantflyuh claims Moist NA Challengers roster could “easily” beat some VCT Americas teamsDeclan Mclaughlin
ValorantDisguised Toast explains why he feels “safer” in Valorant thanks to Ludwig & MoistCr1TiKalDeclan Mclaughlin
ValorantLudwig admits Squirtle Squad is “interesting” but has concerns with Valorant esportsLuís Mira