Modder creates working arcade controller using $5 kids toy

Rosalie Newcombe
Photo of Thomas Tilley's Paw Patrol controller with a screenshot from Super Hang-On in the background.

Modder Dr. Thomas Tilley has taken a second-hand toy from a thrift store and transformed it into a fully working arcade controller.

At a glance, the controller still looks like any other kids’ toy you’d stumble across at your local store.

However, underneath the Paw Patrol-branded stickers of the plastic steering wheel is a fully working controller, able to play the arcade classic Super Hang-On.

The impressive feat of engineering was developed by Dr Thomas Tilley, who transformed the plastic toy by integrating it with a Raspberry Pi mini computer.

The “Super Paw Patrol Hang-On” controller even features a working brake, throttle, and start buttons, including fully functional steering, just like the real-life Super Hang-On arcade machine.

Image, provided by Thomas Tilley, of the inside of the Paw Patrol modded arcade controller.

Speaking to Dexerto, Dr. Tilley explained that he originally spotted the toy in an op-shop (second-hand store) for $5 and was inspired to mod it to play the iconic racing game.

However, once he got home, Dr. Tilley realized the toy was still in working order.

“The buttons I needed for accelerate and brake were attached via a ribbon cable so I added a socket and connector to it so that I could easily unplug them to play the game and re-plug it to reconnect for the toy’s original functionality,” he said.

While Dr. Tilley found a way to retain the steering wheels’ toy functions, setting up the steering was a more difficult endeavor.

He found space underneath the steering wheel to add a small 3D-printed part. This part then moved an analog joystick, as found in an old game controller, as you turned the toy’s motorbike-style grips left and right.

To finish off the custom controller project, Dr. Tilley wired the buttons and joystick to be plugged into a single-board computer.

This was programmed by the modder to make it “appear as a simple joystick” when you plugged it in via USB.

In a last spark of genius, the controller can be switched from an arcade stick to its simple toy origins by re-connecting the buttons and removing the Raspberry Pi Pico.

Controller modder extraordinaire

Dr. Tilley isn’t new to creating weird and wonderful controllers.

The impressive modder has created a custom-built Super Monkey Ball controller, with a fully articulate AiAi from the iconic game series.

The modder and computer scientist has even made a name for himself by appearing in the Guinness Book of Records, after creating the largest playable Game & Watch handheld in October 2017.

Image, provided by Thomas Tilley, of the Paw Patrol modded arcade controller.

If you want the ‘Super Paw Patrol Hang-On’ controller for yourself, Dr. Tilley sadly doesn’t have it for sale.

However, he informed us that the controller has since “returned to a different op-shop” so some lucky Paw Patrol fan is likely in for a big arcade-controller-sized surprise.