What is VR: A beginner’s guide to virtual reality

Jitendra Soni
A man wearing vr glasses interacting with digital content

Virtual Reality, or VR, has been the buzzword for quite some time now. But if you’re unsure about VR, you’re in the right place.

Virtual Reality or VR is a technology that immerses the user into a virtual world. It includes computer-generated imagery projected to a user via a virtual reality headset worn on your head.

Unlike the flat 2D images we see on our computer and mobile displays, VR content is a three-dimensional environment that makes the user part of the content and lets them interact with the characters or objects.

While modern VR headsets have one or two high-resolution displays projecting the content close to the user’s eyes, the first-ever example of a VR device offering an immersive experience was built in early-1962 and was called Sensorama. It simulated a bike ride through New York and allowed users to experience the street through the screen, fan-generated wind, and the simulated noise and smell of the city.

What is virtual reality?

Meta Quest 3 VR headset and 2 controllers on a dark background

VR is a virtual experience that is usually facilitated through the use of a VR headset and associated software. It combines powerful hardware and software to create an artificial environment offering an immersive experience. It tricks the mind and eyes into believing you’re a part of those visuals.

In a typical VR experience, the images or content is made with the perspective of both eyes and is projected close to them. These identical images trick the brain into believing the illusion created by the depth of imagery and the lifelike canvas projected on the displays right in front of the eyes.

Types of virtual reality

Types of virtual reality experiences can be categorized into several pots, and while most experiences are either semi or fully-immersive, there’s another type you may be familiar with, too.

Non-immersive virtual reality

It is the most known and used virtual reality simulation. While it uses computer-generated imagery, it makes users extremely aware of the physical world around them. The most common examples of this technology are video games played using a computer or a gaming console.

Semi-immersive virtual reality

Often used for training and educational purposes, semi-immersive virtual reality is a simulation that lets users focus on the computer-generated 3D imagery but also allows them to stay aware of the surroundings. Thanks to the detailed 3D content, it’s a way more immersive experience. The most common examples of semi-immersive virtual reality are flight simulators used to train pilots.

Fully immersive virtual reality

As the name suggests, this simulation is fully immersive and requires hardware like VR headsets, powerful computers, and more. It allows users to interact with the content and objects using controllers or hand and body gestures. While it is mainly used for gaming and content consumption, its implementation can be endless.

What is the difference between AR / MR / VR / XR?

Apple Vision Pro vs Meta Quest Pro - The War of virtual reality pro

Along with the emergence of technology, new terms like AR, MR, and XR have also gained prominence. All three are separate from each other and have a particular use case.

What is XR or extended reality?

It’s an umbrella term covering all three realities – Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed. Extended Reality signifies the combination of real and virtual environments and the interactions between humans and machines; all facilitated through computer technology and wearable devices.

What is augmented reality?

Augmented reality can be considered as a layer or a skin on top of the real world that we live in. This layer can be accessed using a smartphone or a tablet and mixes the physical, real-world with computer-generated senses. AR uses your device’s camera to capture the physical world and superimposes the digital content on top of it. It allows you to interact with the CGI in real time as if they were physically present. The most common example of an AR game is Pokémon Go and the avatars you create on your phone or social media apps.

What is mixed reality?

Mixed reality sits between virtual and augmented reality and blends real-world environments with computer-generated objects.  This merger creates new environments and visualizations. MR lets you place virtual or artificially created content as an overlay on the real world, but both elements can interact in real time. It can be accessed via wearable devices and handheld devices.

Top VR Headsets for 2023

A woman wearing a VR headset on a dark bacground

Modern VR headsets are not only extremely powerful but are affordable too. The below list of the best VR headsets for 2023 has headsets ranging from $499 to $1399. The pricing depends on the use case and the hardware that powers these devices.

Apple’s upcoming headset Vision Pro, priced at $3499, will be one of the most expensive consumer-focused VR headsets. However, it is also feature-rich and differs from the ones mentioned above.

Name Price Type
Oculus Quest 2 $499 Standalone headset
Quest Pro $999 Standalone headset
HTC Vive XR Elite $1099 Tethered VR
HTC Vive Pro 2 $1399 Tethered VR
Valve Index $999 Tethered VR
HP Reverb G2 $599 Tethered VR
PlayStation VR 2 $549 Tethered VR for consoles

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